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PAGE NINE -- No. 32
by Alan Korwin, Author
Gun Laws of America


II'm proposing a new page for newspapers ("Page Nine" regardless of the page it runs on), that covers stories afresh, not the way news rooms typically flavor things. It would help reduce the distrust so many readers feel. It could be the most read page in the paper.

Here's a casual sample. It might make you say, "We'll NEVER run that!" but the page is being built around ad revenues from clear-thinking mainstream businesses.

Alan Korwin, Author
Gun Laws of America
"The Uninvited Ombudsman"


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The Uninvited Ombudsman Report, No. 32
by Alan Korwin, August 2, 2007

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(searchable by item number)
1- OSHA's Gun Ban
2- Gun Turn-In Fraud
3- Parker Case Timing
4- Jihad's Effects Increasing
5- Media Elitists Grieving
6- Supreme Court Lambasted
7- Internet Censorship Coming
8- Guest author Craig Cantoni:
    What if government theft were face-to-face? (Enthralling!)



Why the delay on this Page Nine? We were closed for two weeks, I was out of town, I'm working on my next book, it rained, and the dog ate my homework, thanks for your understanding.


Change the world by taking a reporter shooting: reports: Sara Sedlacek, a reporter for Iowa's West Liberty Index and a self-described liberal "with a cookie-cutter image of what 'gun-club people' were like," recently visited her local gun club in search of a story.

After her first and subsequent visits, she not only tried shooting for the first time, but also learned -- a lot -- and wrote, "I walked into that gun club with the worst thoughts about the place and I walked out with a completely different opinion. It never hurts to try to learn a little more about the things you don't like and the people you don't agree with. You may find out you didn't know enough about them to have an opinion in the first place."

Counterintuitive Man says: Invite a reporter to go shooting with you, make a difference.>.




1- OSHA's Gun Ban

The lamestream media told you:
Nothing, though the dangerous and highly unregulated Internet circulated numerous stories on proposed OSHA regulations that would have a subtle side effect of... closing all federally licensed firearms dealers in America.

The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
It is hard to imagine a hotter hot button than a brazen attempt to delete the right to keep and bear arms from the people. It is even harder to imagine a bureaucrat or politician who doesn't know that.

With that as a backdrop, OSHA proposed treating ANY workplace that contained even a handful of small-arms cartridges, for any reason, "a facility containing explosives."

Under that designation, no one could carry "firearms, ammunition, or similar articles," with narrow exceptions (like for security guards). You would need demolition certifications for clerks, searches of customers coming in, closures during thunderstorms -- this would have forced any normal gun store, firing range or gunsmith shop to close down.

It came within a hair's breadth of slipping by everyone and passing into law. NSSF, SAAMI and the NRA-ILA, with an outpouring of support from grassroots activists, have fortunately succeeded in temporarily delaying the proposed OSHA gun ban.

I have reasonable faith that the industry and gun-lobby forces, now alerted, will craft a proper improvement to this OSHA proposal that would have wiped out America's gun stores and ranges. I don't plan to devote much time to that effort, unless it seems to be going astray. Imposing impossible-to-meet and completely irrelevant explosive-demolition regulations on firearms dealers and their staffers was a brilliant and unexpected attack on gun rights.

What I do think we need to examine though is how OSHA got on that track. These things don't happen by accident. Someone was behind this incredibly sneaky, underhanded and enormously novel tactic for banning guns in America. Someone out there feels mighty proud of the attempt, even if it has been stopped, for now, and I have no doubt such minds will concoct future efforts.

Who are the perpetrators? How do we bring them to justice? How do we expose and humiliate their tyrannical effort and dastardly clever approach to civil rights denial? How do we treat the attorneys who wrote it and are going to claim they were just following orders, that they had no idea this would effect gun ownership, and saw nothing amiss in the proposal?

Who among you is willing to do the legwork, file an FOIA request, poke around a little?

You've got to hand it to the anti-rights mob that dreamed this up. A tremendous sneak attack that almost succeeded -- it was stopped within mere hours of execution. No one saw it coming. It's a whole new fresh approach to banning guns the antis have not used before.

Wouldn't it be nice to sneak through a regulation of our own in some bland dull policy rewrite and say... any elected, appointed or hired individual who attempts to deny a person's rights without full open debate shall be subject to imprisonment? Why would an honest government official object?


2- Gun Turn-In Fraud

The lamestream media told you:
Chicago authorities are delighted at the results of their highly publicized gun turn-in campaign, which yielded more that 6,700 guns, collected at 23 churches in a day-long event. It was so popular police ran out of the $100 debit cards being offered to anyone who turned in a firearm. Police collected 5,960 hand guns and 745 replicas and rifles. Dubbed, "Don't Kill a Dream, Save a Life," it is an effort to lower the inner city's murder rate by getting guns off the streets.

The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
In a textbook case of lapdog reporting, CBS, ABC, the Associated Press, the Chicago Tribune and countless others have promoted the government announcement you see above, handed to them by the police, with no independent reporting whatsoever.

A real report would give you details on what actually occurred, but that would require work on the part of the "reporters" and so was avoided. A real report would never use an officially provided phony phrase such as, "off the streets," that uniformly appeared in every published story.

Real news might describe the amount of stolen property recovered that could be returned to the rightful owners, the number of guns that were actually functional, guns of high value given away for a fraction of their price and what would become of them, junk, rusty and worthless guns used to bilk the city organizers, and what the word "replica" means in context of $100 debit cards issued for each one.

Guns of course are not "on the street," they are in people's homes. "Home" however doesn't have the villainous sound that "on the street" does, so it was not provided to reporters.

How many hardened criminals turned in their functioning firearms to get a $100 debit card was not reported, leaving the impression that the church-going crowd who participated in this hollow publicity stunt actually have little impact on the city's high murder rate.

The announcement that the city would give away $100 to anyone who could show up with anything approximating a gun undoubtedly lead some enterprising residents to gather up every gun-like object they could find. It is unknown if BATF kept records of multiple gun turn-ins, which would be required when guns are sold through dealers instead of to the police.

Reporters failed to ask how people turning in guns at churches for $100 each would lower the inner-city crime rate. "Inner city crime" is a code phrase used by the media to avoid describing blacks and other hostile minorities packed into stinking gang-riddled ghettos glorified in rap "songs."

Possession of a handgun in Chicago is illegal without complex permitting, fee and paperwork requirements, so it's unclear how people got all these guns in the first place, or why the police hadn't effectively enforced the city's laws. No reports connected the possibly illegal city-treasury cash giveaways with failure to enforce the laws. No arrests were announced, presumably because police suspended the laws for the day to run the campaign (after having been ineffective in enforcing the possession bans passed by lawmakers). No action against the police for failing to enforce the law is planned. No news on the disposition of all those fine guns has been announced.

Chicago does plan to run the event again, seeing how the media lapped it up. With a city population of roughly three million, there are probably more guns and replicas out there. Plans to calculate the program's effect on crime and the inner-city murder rate have not been announced, but it sure did make some people feel good.


3- Parker Case Timing

The lamestream media told you:
The mayor of Washington D.C. is working diligently to overturn the bad decision of the D.C. Circuit Court that would allow his residents to keep highly dangerous registered handguns assembled and functional in their own homes. He has decided to file papers asking the U.S. Supreme Court to hear the case.

In a statement of unparalleled ignorance, the mayor of the murder capital of the country said, "Our handgun law has saved countless lives -- keeping guns out of the hands of those who would hurt others or themselves." To meet the 90-day deadline to file a petition for certiorari, the city will file for a 30-day filing extension.

The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
An insider with a good understanding of the situation suggests:

Note your calendars, the petition will come around Sept 4 or 5. Asking for time extensions are not favored, so you wouldn't ask the Court for one unless you really needed the time and were going to use it; the limit that can be requested is 60 days. They could have requested less. So if they asked for 30 days, they're going to use them.

Second, review will be granted. Possibly with 9 out of 9 votes [Note: I'm less confident than that]. There is a circuit split on a constitutional question in a case that will be have noticeable impact on the nation's capital and have profound implications nationwide. SCOTUS exists for the primary purposes of resolving legal issues of exactly this nature. This goes to the heart of what they get paid to do.

Third, review will be granted sometime between Oct 15 and Nov 5. Hopefully time extensions will be granted for filing briefs, and if so this could be set for oral argument sometime in March 2008. We will probably not get a decision until the Court's last week in June.

[Note: The most profound observation seems to me to be the widespread recognition that this is a court of people, not laws, and that vote counting is what matters. I do not like that, but it seems to be the case, and is widely acknowledged (under the radar). Pundits are attributing votes before the case is heard and before briefs are written, based on the known biases of the nine Justices. One or two are absolute yeas and nays regardless of what transpires, another one or two are highly likely yeas and nays, and everyone expressing optimism about the outcome, in either direction, are fools. What is likely is that the decision will be narrow to this specific case, not address the at-home-only and registration issues, and the dissent will be incendiary.]


4- Jihad's Effects Increasing

The lamestream media told you:
Authorities are increasing the numbers of vehicles randomly searched at U.S. airports in the wake of thwarted bombing attempts at airports in great Britain. Travelers should allow extra time for check in.

The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
Newspapers nationwide have failed to add the critical sentences that say, "Random searches for any reason by authorities are specifically prohibited by the U.S. Constitution. No arrests of authorities have been made."

My recent trip to Europe shows that the jihad has had a greater impact in the heart of Western Civilization than here across the pond. Routinely: police now carry machine guns, heavily armed military presence is evident in public places, women in full black burkhas with eye slits pushing baby carriages are common, multicultural efforts to include people who hate Western society continue despite the obvious and increasing disparities and bomb scares, posters advise everyone to be cautious and observant and to report any suspicious activity, and closed-circuit cameras are everywhere, but at least there are signs everywhere that say "CCTV in use." Watch for similar developments at a location near you. Don't expect politically correct news outlets here to convey this sense of things.

In other news, travelers waited patiently outside the Air France terminal in Paris while the bomb squad approached an unattended package in the flight terminal and exploded it in place. Passenger delays did not exceed thirty minutes. I am not making this up.


5- Media Elitists Grieving

The lamestream media told you:
The tragic crash of two news helicopters in Phoenix has caused the deaths of their pilot/reporters and is a tragedy of untold proportions. Here now with continuing 24-hour non-stop breathless news coverage of this horrific event that has ended, is another live report from the scene, with flashing emergency lights on stationary police vehicles in the background and yellow emergency tape flapping in the breeze.

The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
The unmitigated bias and gall of the news media was amply demonstrated Friday by the incessant and shallow national coverage of four people who died in an accident. Because the dead were reporters, their faces were shown on TV upwards of 30 times per hour, long after the deaths occurred and after any semblance of news value had ended. Other news was preempted for hours.

A widely promoted public mantra is that everyone's life is equally valuable. The media's actions prove they do not hold to such nonsense, or at least, that it does not apply to them.

Live reports of nothing happening at the scene continued into the next day, totally obscuring any other deaths suffered by non-reporters, such as crime victims tragically murdered and ripped from their families (estimated at more than 35 per day), accident victims (estimated at 100 per day from cars alone), medical malpractice victims (estimated at 270 per day, though the figure is hotly disputed and may be merely 27 per day), health victims including people who have contributed significantly to society, and others, who die by the tens of thousands all the time. No live reports from the scene of these events were known to be broadcast to American viewers, for unknown reasons.

Some reporters are reportedly in severe grief and may seek counseling following the deaths of the two pilot-reporters and two on-board camerapersons. Though reasons are still under investigation, eye witnesses said the pilots crashed their helicopters into each other while covering a police car chase from the air. The man now in police custody after the car chase may be held accountable for murder in the helicopter crash, according to the Houston Chronicle, located more than a thousand miles away in Texas.

Five days later the same story was still being promoted on the front page in Phoenix where the crash occurred. Ignoring the if-it-bleeds-it-leads principle that guides much modern reporting, the no-new-news crash story squeezed out the 267 other people (stats from CDC and other sources for 2003) who die accidentally every single day from electrocution, crushing, poisoning, falls from great and small heights, drowning, suffocation, burning to death, dismemberment in cars, choking on toys and food, and other absolutely horrible causes of death.

The risk you news consumers face from helicopter crashes is virtually zero, while the real risks you and your neighbors do face are fully suppressed by media personnel glorifying themselves with incessant non news on page one.

Reporters could not be reached to comment on this insensitive, cold-hearted, remorseless, uncompassionate, tasteless screed for the poor departed souls who killed themselves, "doing what they loved."


6- Supreme Court Lambasted

The lamestream media told you:
More Americans believe the U.S. Supreme Court is leaning to the right, ever since President Bush nominated two Justices to the Court, according to a story published nationally from the Washington Post. The finding is the result of a survey conducted by the Washington Post.

The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
In an editorial published in the news section of the nation's papers, two of the most left-leaning "news" organizations in the country (the poll was conducted with ABC news) attacked the Supreme Court, saying Americans increasingly believe its decisions are unbalanced.

The findings of their "poll" matched their own political leanings for unknown reasons. The questions used in the poll were not revealed. The people selected to participate, and the actual results were not revealed. The margin of error, a technical statistic related to methodology that has nothing to do with poll results but is frequently included to imply accuracy, was not included.

Using standard media terminology, socialist or communist collectivists are mischaracterized as liberal or politically left, while mainstream, centrist, American-oriented individuals are described as "right" leaning. In reality, right describes fascists, and few in the country (outside of some government bureaucrats and other misfits) fit that description.

People who believe in religious values, strong moral principles, right and wrong, limited government, constitutionally delegated powers, rule of law, low taxation, individual responsibility, free markets and free enterprise, private property, due process, marriage, human rights and similar beliefs are the heart of the American way, centrist and moderate, though routinely characterized as fascist or the radical right by the collectivists running the news media.

The article runs on at some length, painting liberal and conservative labels on issues such as racial quotas, discrimination, and abortion, which have no inherent "side" to them. Why editors allowed the editorial to run in the news section was unclear at press time.


7- Internet Censorship Coming

The lamestream media told you:
Nothing in most locations.

The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
Most Americans are reasonably confident that free speech so boldly exercised on the Internet is not subject to government regulation, and will be the salvation of the freedom movement in the country. The decision by Google to censor its search results to satisfy the Chinese communist dictatorship and gain access to that market is an immaterial blip and of little concern.

According to a Reuters report not widely distributed in the U.S., Internet censorship is planned, working and spreading.

"VIENNA (Reuters) - State restrictions on use of the Internet have spread to more than 20 countries that use catch-all and contradictory rules to help keep people off line and stifle feared political opposition, a new report says. In 'Governing the Internet', the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) presented case studies of Web censorship.

"'Recent moves against free speech on the Internet in a number of countries have provided a bitter reminder of the ease with which some regimes, democracies and dictatorships alike, seek to suppress speech that they disapprove of, dislike, or simply fear,' the report by the 56-nation OSCE said.

"In Kazakhstan, rules on Internet use are so vague and politicized that they "allow for any interpretation ..., easily triggering Soviet-style 'spy mania' where any dissident individual or organisation could be branded a threat to national well-being and silenced, according to the OSCE report. It cited a prominent incident in 2005 (in reaction to the Borat movie) when Kazakhstan seized all .kz Internet domains."

In other news, the U.S. Justice Dept. moved forward with hopes to brand certain individuals as terrorists based on "suspicion," denying them access to air travel and firearms, in a secret process not subject to review or appeal. In other news, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has called for a "gatekeeper" to help improve the Internet and make it safer for children. Meanwhile, Congress is continuing its moratorium on taxing the web, for an undisclosed period of time.

According to Reuters, communists and other regimes are managing Internet affairs through taxation, harassment or arrest of users who post undesirable content, and "'contradictory and ill-defined' provisions which might 'give leverage for illegitimate limitation'" of free expression on the Internet, according to the OSCE report, according to Reuters.

Reuters continued, "In a speech to the OSCE parliament on Thursday, Kazakh Information Minister Yermukhamet Yertysbayev insisted Kazakhstan was determined to build democracy and create an 'e-government' expanding Internet service and making 'our media more free, contemporary and independent'."


8- Special Guest Columnist Craig Cantoni--

What if government theft were face-to-face?

An article of mine summarized my research into the many individuals and organizations that received federal handouts in my home state of Arizona in the third quarter of 2005. For example, an individual from Tucson received a $40,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. And Weinerschnitzel Restaurants of Tempe received a $75,000 small business loan.

Would you loan your own money to Weinerschnitzel Restaurants? Well, that's exactly what you did, but involuntarily. As I wrote in my article, the hot-dog business got taxpayer money, "and taxpayers got a wiener up their schnitzel."

Taxpayers don't rebel against such thievery because it's done through a dealer in stolen goods -- the government -- which keeps the parties to the transaction from knowing each other. But what would happen if the government held an awards ceremony where taxpayers had to hand over their money in person to their fellow citizens?

To answer the question, imagine getting the following notice in the mail from your federal government (instead of a bland IRS tax form):

"You are hereby ordered to attend an awards ceremony on Dec. 1, hosted by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Failure to attend will result in a $2,000 fine and/or possible jail sentence."

Not wanting to pay the fine or be imprisoned, you show up at the ceremony and find 99 other people in attendance. Standing at the door are four tastefully dressed federal agents with Uzi bulges under their suit coats.

The master of ceremonies announces that you are there to honor the recipient of a $40,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. The honoree stands behind the emcee on the stage and beams with pride. The emcee goes on to say that each of the 100 attendees will be asked to pay a pro-rata share of the award by giving the honoree $400 apiece, payable by cash, check, money order, credit card or withholding from a paycheck. Those who refuse to pay will be escorted to another location by the tastefully dressed armed federal agents to make other payment arrangements.

This is the tenth awards ceremony you've attended so far this year. You know that all working citizens from across the nation are selected at random to attend similar ceremonies for a variety of causes. Your next-door neighbor, for example, recently attended a ceremony where a never-married, unemployed woman with five kids received a housing grant. And your cousin attended a ceremony where the owner of a professional baseball team got a new publicly-financed stadium. One of the largest award ceremonies ever, it was attended by tens of thousands of people. Former President George W. Bush, who received a similar stadium when he was a baseball team owner before becoming president, emceed the ceremony.

But something about the Humanities award ignites a rage in you that is far worse than the usual rage you feel at being forced to give your money to unworthy recipients. Maybe it's due to having attended so many ceremonies so far this year. Or maybe it's due to the unkempt appearance and nose ring of today's honoree, and the smug, you-owe-it-to-me look on his face. Or maybe it's due to the books you've recently read on the founding principles of the nation. Now banned in public schools, the books say that the primary purpose of the government is to protect your life, liberty and property; not to take your property at the point of a gun and give it someone else.

Whatever ignited the rage, you stand up and scream, "I'M NOT PUTTING UP WITH THIS ANYMORE!

Stunned, the audience sits in silence as the federal agents run towards you with their guns drawn. Then, a few seconds later, someone else stands up and yells, "I'M NOT PUTTING UP WITH IT, EITHER!"  Soon, the other 98 people are on their feet chanting the same thing.

The federal agents, their faces chalk-white from fear, start backing towards the exit. The recipient of the Humanities award, his smug expression having changed to terror, turns to run out the stage door. Someone yells, "GET THE THIEVING BASTARD!"

By the next day, word of the rebellion has spread across the nation, thanks to the Internet, which the government has not yet figured out how to totally control, unlike how the government learned long ago to control its sycophants in the mainstream media and government schools (who have never seen a handout, transfer payment, tax or unfair advantage they don't like).

By the end of the week, a mass demonstration takes place on the Capitol Mall. One million angry Americans march from the Lincoln Memorial to Capitol Hill, carrying pikes and chanting, "Heads on pikes, heads on pikes, heads on pikes!" The Capitol Police abandon their barricades and join the marchers.

It's over in a few hours. Within a month, after ravens have gorged on the 535 heads lining the Capitol Mall, elections are held and the nation is transformed from an illegal kleptocracy back to what it once was: a constitutional republic.

Of course, this is all a fantasy. It could never happen in the United States, because we don't have a government that takes money from working stiffs and gives it to moochers. At least, not in front of you.


Mr. Cantoni is an author, columnist and founder of Honest Americans Against Legal Theft ( He can be reached at




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"No one could make a greater mistake than he who did nothing
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Comments help keep me going. Alan.


Alan: If encouragement keeps you going, then please accept this meager thanks as fuel for your "Engine o' Truth". You are a breath of fresh air and we wish to keep the bellows pumping... It should gratify you to know that your constant and public enlightenment and encouragement does not fall on deaf ears... It has been said that the one political issue that strips all politicians bare is individual gun rights. Because of your continuing effort to point out this truth, you and yours will always be welcome in our home should you pass this way. Thank you for Page 9. Dutch and Marcia, Dixon, New Mexico




"P9 No. 30 has been blocked by Spam Firewall" (from 18 members of the Society of Professional Journalists, names withheld to protect the guilty).


"you are an idiot the second amendment starts "a militia is necessary for the safety of the country, the right etc." --chessfreak


Most budget "cuts" lamented by the media are actually reductions in proposed increases - bureaucrats' spending dreams unfulfilled. Far too many legislatures ultimately approve spending increases in excess of population and service needs, or tax-base growth, or in inflation, growing government and saddling earners with increased burdens of taxation to carry the load. --Gary Marbut


Alan, Another great Page Nine! Thanks. Thanks for the tip about polls being a gauge of whether propaganda is working. Makes tremendous sense.
On the Missing Muslim Moderates, any idea how the Pew Center gets its research picked up and broadcast in so many outlets so close in time? Do these guys have direct communication channels into editorial offices or what? Who's pulling the strings here? --Russ



WE'VE MOVED -- JAN. 1, 2007!!
Alan Korwin
Bloomfield Press
"We publish the gun laws."
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If you can read this, thank a teacher.
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