No. 195 October 31, 2020
1. "Just Shoot 'Em in the Leg!"
Presidential candidate recommends committing armed felony.
Mess media fails to correct him, or inform public of dangers involved.
Justification for use of deadly force is not permission to intentionally
Biden shows more concern, compassion for armed attackers than murder
Demonstrates near total lack of understanding of firearms and self-defense
principles, law.
2. Preparing for the Election
"Everything will be peaceful," nobody said.
3. Important Stuff:
-- When to Vote
-- "Uniting the Country" myth
-- Three parties running for president—
Democrats, Republicans and Communists
Chinese communists have gone public with their intent and plans to dominate
America and the world.
Active in our Congress, schools, media, economy, have candidates running
this year
4. Joe Biden's Plan for Everyone's Guns
No Excuses
Joe Biden recommends committing armed felony
But it doesn’t matter, the nation is so polarized
Dangerous, felony gun advice goes nationwide—
“Just shoot him in the leg!”
JPFO condemns Joe Biden’s illegal dangerous advice.
What may be worse, mess media failed to inform the public—
Don’t they know it’s illegal to shoot to wound people?
Joe Biden—and mass media—apparently need better understanding here:
This is the same man who suggested firing a shotgun blast through a closed
The mandatory gun safety rule is: “Know your target before squeezing the
Although Joe Biden demonstrated a nearly complete lack of knowledge about
firearms law, firearms safety, self defense and crime-prevention tactics,
he has never been questioned on these subjects by mass media. The words
“Second Amendment” get invoked periodically, followed by familiar
wedge-issue talking points, and substantive detail never emerges. The
paucity of understanding exhibited in these displays, not just “gaffes”
that can be written off with chuckles, but careless ignorance and apparent
willingness to act upon it, should alarm you. Based on the few statements
he has made, it is not unfair to speculate that Joe Biden would be unsafe
at a shooting range with a cocked pistol fully loaded with live ammo, and a
paper target downrange. Yes, the very thought put a chill through us too.
Joe Biden suggested committing felonies with firearms to a national
audience. JPFO recommends contacting their spokesperson and firearms expert
Charles Heller (jpfo.org) to explain why those are both dangerous felonies,
and better ways to handle similar situations. Mr. Biden’s encouragement to
make noise shooting a gun up into the air is a specific criminal act. In
Arizona it's called Shannon's law.
“While it’s legal to use deadly force to defend yourself in the most dire
circumstance, it’s never legal to intentionally wound someone. If you truly
believe your life is at immediate risk, the last thing you want to attempt
is the most difficult shot known—hitting a moving human limb in the
fractions of a second where such a shot could be legally fired at a killer
assaulting you. Given his statements, I suspect Joe Biden couldn’t even
recite the basic three gun safety rules.”
—Alan Korwin, Co-Author, Supreme Court Gun Cases
Although websites were awash in chastising Joe for his foolishness, no one
confronted the candidate with his unwise advice. For all we can tell, he
still thinks shooting the legs out from under villains is a strategy. What
sort of “news” media doesn’t bring this up? This is bigger than the Second
Amendment, which is merely a concept and words. This is iron and guns for
Pete's sake! Will somebody speak to the man? Say what, he’s holed up at
2. Preparing for the Election
"There won't be any civil unrest" nobody said.
A very wise friend suggests preparing for civil unrest around the election.
He asked me not to use his name, so he doesn't attract attention.
BLM, Antifa, leftists of all stripes (even democrats) like to dox people
and set their businesses on fire.
CNN denies those charges.
I think he’s crazy, way overboard. Why would anyone need a fire
The power might go out? Get batteries and charge up your laptop to get
Internet links?
Police response will be slow, or not at all? Lay in supplies? C’mon, man!
Here are his notes to me, you decide. I mixed in a few thoughts of my own.
My guess is that there is less chance of unrest if the election goes off in
such a way as to appear honest to a high degree of probability, AND if one
side or the other wins by a landslide.
Since neither of those conditions is highly likely, I anticipate civil
unrest will occur if Trump wins -- and probably not if he loses,
conservatives being generally law-abiding. Democrats have been infiltrated
and dominated by two criminally violent elements: communists (Antifa and
other marxists) and street thugs (BLM). Democrats generally have also
become infected with such narcissistic rage that they refuse to be bound by
the results of any election they lose. As they have so ably demonstrated
now for four years.
I believe that there may be interruptions in water and power, and possibly
stove and furnace gas, and that auto fuel will be unavailable because the
power is off. Cash machines and credit cards will not work with power down
and computer systems malfunctioning. Mobile phone service may be
intermittent at best.
There will be few police available in many places and they will be swamped
and, at best, slow to respond to individual calls for help. At worst they
will be totally unable (and possibly unwilling) to respond, leaving us
responsible for our own protection. [Note, a group I consult with,
JPFO.org, has counseled self-reliance for decades, for exactly these
reasons.] And I expect that there will be random distributions of rioters,
arsonists, rapists and looters, some armed, and some with gasoline bombs,
firework explosives and instantly-blinding high-powered lasers. They will
be less organized after phone and internet service deteriorate.
Were it not for COVID-19, I would evacuate now and go to my daughter's
house, where she and my son-in-law and two college-aged grandsons live. But
as it is I will prepare here, and wait alone to see how things develop. We
may not need to gather in preparation for a siege. [Note: I have advised
for many years to prepare to make your stand in your home if things ever
get that bad; travel will be dangerous at best, possibly impossible,
getting stranded in your vehicle with a go bag and desperation all around
will leave you wishing you were home with a toilet, walls and bed.]
If things go sour, I will fall back to her house, where there will then be
five defensively armed and trained adults, and a sufficient number of
adults to maintain an armed guard and fire watch rotation 24/7 for months
if necessary.
Otherwise, I have prepared as I would for earthquake or forest fire. I have
my evacuation essentials (documents, etc.) stacked and ready to go.
I have enough medications for three months, canned food for several weeks,
drinking water for two weeks or more (not counting the water in the hot
water and toilet tanks); a solar-charged power source for my CPAP machine,
and for charging phones and flashlights; Ham radio gear and a local network
of friends that is better than TV for knowing what is happening locally; a
hand-crank am/fm radio; oil lamps and a supply of lamp oil; law
enforcement-type flashlights and batteries; a full tank in my station
wagon; mobile ham radios in the car as well as handi-talkies; warm bedding
if the home becomes unheated; iPad and laptops for if and when there is an
internet connection; a very large fire extinguisher; hoses connected to
outdoor spigots; water purification tablets.
And though I don't expect to need it, a few years ago I ran across and
purchased a new-in-the-box Civil Defense surplus Geiger counter and a
dosimeter... in case things get really nasty. ;-) [Note: As a long-time
rockhound, I have a Russian-made Geiger counter, very sensitive, popular
there after Chernobyl, measures air, ore, fruits and vegetables, fun for a
guy like me (one of several types I have), even airplane cosmic radiation
as you ascend through the protective atmosphere... very high readings!
airlines don’t tell you that; around $199, smaller than a deck of cards,
Soecks brand].
And yes Alan, I was a Boy Scout. I was a tenderfoot for about three years.
Enjoy your time with your family this evening!
-- If you already voted, this is too late.
-- You’re supposed to rise up as a nation, on a SINGLE day, and select
-- The first Tuesday, after the first Monday, in November.
-- All the good dirt comes out near the end.
-- You can’t recall your ballot once it is early cast (tons of people are
trying to now, having discovered the Biden family is in league with the
communist Chinese, received tens of millions of dollars illegally, and
probably can’t pass a security clearance. But, to quote a famous
politician, "What difference, at this point, does it make?"
-- The plot (I don’t use the word lightly) to stretch out the election for
months, was part of a conscious plan to undermine the U.S. system of
government, and it is working well.
-- Back when journalists were honest:
Do NOT be fooled—
Guns are a partisan issue and will remain so.
Democrats and Republicans “steal each others’ lawn signs.”
A cover story in The Wall Street Journal (Oct. 10) laments how
political-lawn-sign thefts are skyrocketing. But Big Brother camera
growth—installed by homeowners (not the state as Orwell predicted) are
giving police leads to track down the perps. Election of this candidate or
that will unite nothing. Such rhetoric is garbage. Don’t believe it.
Instead, cling to your guns and Bibles. Go out now for training. Embrace
the Second Amendment and the entire Bill of Rights—it’s there for your own
good. Free speech, due process, right to assemble and the rest... matters.
How quickly we relinquished our fundamental rights,
for a little promised safety that never came.
We failed the usurpation test.
And politicians responsible never faced armed wrath.
Only people who treasure independence want to keep their firearms and gun
rights. That basically describes the red team, the Republican right,
nominal conservatives. People seeking government solutions, guns controlled
even more tightly—or taken by force—won’t change or may worsen from
elections: the blue team, Democrats, the socialist progressive liberals and
now openly Marxist communists. The election will bring together no one.
It’s just fact. Gangs remain fully armed and dangerous despite decades of
specious “gun control.”
What you have to do is recognize you’re responsible for your own safety and
your family’s well-being. When “officials” tell police to stand down, let
rioters run free and you’re at home feeling desperate, ask why you didn’t
join JPFO or any of the other dedicated freedom groups, get informed, buy a
few guns and plenty of ammo, and hear the clarion call. The Jewish people
have been through this before. Learn the lessons of history already. Never
Three Major Parties Running for the White House—
No one doubts the communist Chinese want control
of America as badly as Democrats and Republicans
The winner fills more than 6,700 jobs for the office, another 1,200 with
Senate consent
Only one party supports an armed public to balance gov’t power
— Communists don’t allow their subjects to be armed. They run
— Democrats have bills in Congress right now to take virtually every
private American gun.
— Republicans support the right to keep and bear arms, at least a little
(by comparison)
— Read the democrats' bill HR5717, it is nothing like media or politicians
— HR5717 bans loaded guns at home, even locked—until you’re under attack.
It bans guns with grips. We’re not imagining this.
—If government disarms us—which is done by force, through law—it’s all
—The great American experiment ends. Self-governance stops. Government
rules you.
—Freedom, liberty, free-enterprise, free speech, all of it.
Self-determination is in “their” hands.
—No one “gives” you liberty. You take it. By force. With arms. Our Founders
understood this.
Only force keeps freedom in your hearth and home—away from “officials,”
adversaries, mobs—seeking to take it. Common wisdom says, “You can’t arm
slaves and expect them to stay slaves.” It works the other way
too—disarming free people enslaves them. Commies sure know it. Citizens
endure offensive Democrat ridicule for keeping arms... yet still recommend:
Cling to your guns and Bibles.
G-d help us if the three major parties push the American people too far.
Tell your friends to sign up for my Page Nine reports:
4. Joe Biden's Plan for Everyone's Guns
The Democrat's text for effectively ending the Second Amendment, HR 5717
I’m starting with Parts One and Two below (called Title I and II, it goes
on to Title X, or Ten).
It is complete federal discretion over firearms freedom.
“Shall not be infringed” may as well be erased from The U.S. Bill of
The Republicans who are standing by silently deserve to be removed.
Mass media, leaving you uninformed, are indeed among the greatest enemies
our nation faces.
This is total infringement from its opening line:
“It shall be unlawful for any individual
who is not licensed under this section to knowingly
purchase, acquire, or possess a firearm or ammunition.”
You can’t have or get guns, not even the ones you already own, without
federal permission.
If democrats sweep the election, they have already written this, introduced
it, just need majorities to enact it.
"But the Supreme Court would overturn that!" you shout.
And Democrats have promised to overrun the Supreme Court.
The conditions for granting gun permission are literally whatever the
leadership says it should be. Including determining if you are fit, by
their standards.
That’s what Biden and his gang’s new law (in plain English, below) will
require when enacted. Compare that to: the right of the people to keep and
bear arms shall not be infringed. You can’t. The “officials” have
absolutely no legitimately delegated power or authority to do what their
bill says. So how is it they can even propose such a thing? Ask how they
can propose an ineligible person for the job. They know they will not get
shot for proposing it—the arms you keep are a nullity. The opposition party
is AWOL (Republicans), without warrants they have earned for their arrest,
for dereliction of duty.
The license HR 5717 refers to is an abomination. With few terms spelled
out, those are left open for bureaucrats to define later. Exceptions are
provided for “authorities” which basically means the government, law
enforcement, special agents -- in other words, the public (you) must be
heavily processed to keep the guns or ammo you now own, or anything new
going forward, otherwise you are subject to arrest.
And they ask you to vote for them, so they can enact this. The media have
done everything they can to prevent this from being clear, or even known.
How much have republicans told you? Where are their roadblocks and the PR
machinery to stop this illegal behavior?
HR 5717, —932 “Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act of 2020” of
the 116th Congress (2019-2020)
(A) It shall be unlawful for any individual who is not licensed under this
section to knowingly purchase, acquire, or possess a firearm or ammunition.
The gist:
Unspecified training will be required to get the license, including taking
and passing a class, taking a written test, passing a shooting test,
demonstrating knowledge of firearms laws, and knowing the government’s
concept of safe use, with undisclosed conditions, times and places,
instructor qualifications and duration, to keep the guns you already own,
or get any new ones.
Procedures for obtaining a license to own a firearm will be established by
the Attorney General, and must include explanations of why you may be
ineligible. The expiration date is currently set at 10 years. Expect some
“rights” groups to argue over dates and minutiae.
You cannot have a gun if there are:
"...factors that suggest that the individual could
potentially create a risk to public safety."
These factors are not defined.
They will be defined later by bureaucrats, if they are defined at all.
Tell me: "What armed citizen does not create a potential risk to public
In other words, owning firearms is ultimately at the discretion of the
issuing authority -- the federal government at its discretion. This has a
name: infringement. Freedom of ownership and possession is taken away under
this proposal. Owning guns is of course a risk to public safety, since guns
are dangerous. Arguing with any of the terms of this bill is futile, since
the infringement is total on its face, the specific conditions hardly
matter. It would be like arguing to edit phrases out of the Bible to
increase its accuracy, absurd.
If a state already meets the new standards, in the federal government’s
judgment, it will be exempt. Officials will be exempt. All proper
authorities can access the license database of people who are accepted into
the gun database. This is what the bill says. Hmmm, gun-owner database?
Rifle- shotgun- pistol-owner database? Gun-student database?
Gun-student-who-failed database? Gun-range visitor, renter, shopper,
hunter, inventory, ammo quantity, stash location, frequency of use,
preferred-sidearm database? Cost? With 300 million guns and 100 million gun
owners, it’s a federal jobs program by itself. Pardon me, I’ve slipped into
commentary. Occupational hazard.
An annual federal background check of everyone with a license who is in the
database shall be conducted to ensure compliance. The terms of the repeated
annual check will be spelled out later. No tax or fee is described at this
time for the required annual background check.
The federal government will grant money to states for three-year periods so
states can run the licensing scheme. You’ll need a federal firearm license
at the time of purchase, rental, or lease of a firearm or purchase of
ammunition during the entire period of ownership or possession of a firearm
or ammunition. You won’t be able to legally buy, rent or lease more than 10
firearms in any year. I can already hear some people arguing, in their
minds, that the ten-per-year is too low. It is immaterial, a red herring,
there should be no such thing, government has no power to set such limits.
HR 5717 is illegal, period.
Federal authorities plan to commandeer local law enforcement officers to
administer the licenses. We thought they learned their lesson after the
Brady law fiasco, they can’t do that, but here it is again. They can’t
implement this grand scheme, so they expect local police to do it for them.
How that comports with defund the police is a mystery.
You must be of
"sound mind and character"
to have or get firearms—
including the guns you already have.
There is a “sound mind and character” requirement for gun involvement, and
“any other requirements the State determines relevant;” to “make a
determination of suitability” so the chances of actually gaining access to
firearms may be quite remote.
Standards will be set later, with no time frame provided. Which
apparatchiks will set the standards here in anyone’s guess, and a
delegation of power -- a mentality police -- formally unknown.
States “shall establish standards and processes by which licensing
authorities can revoke, suspend, or deny the issuance or renewal of a
covered license (referring to gun stores) including for family requested
red flag ERPO (emergency risk protection orders) and extensions of them.
Under an ERPO, the person so charged, “shall surrender or transfer all
firearms and ammunition in the possession of the individual;”
"Accessible Guns" Are Outlawed
This item left me aghast; I’ve called it the leftist’s: “Guns are OK as
long as they don’t work” condition, but it’s even worse than I ever
imagined, because of paragraph (ii) --
—(V) (i) it shall be unlawful to store or keep a firearm in any place
unless the firearm is secured in a locked container or equipped with a
tamper-resistant mechanical lock or other safety device, properly engaged
so as to render the firearm inoperable by any individual other than the
owner or other lawfully authorized user; and
“(ii) for purposes of clause (i), a firearm shall not be considered to be
stored or kept if carried by or under the control of the owner or other
lawfully authorized user.”
You read that right. In plain English, it appears to say if you carry your
own firearm, discreetly with a proper permit, legally open, or under
Constitutional Carry, it is not considered properly stored, and so you
could be subject to arrest for an improperly, unlocked up firearm. I know,
I know, it is outrageous -- the people who drafted this probably belong in
In fairness, one trusted authority reads the section to say a carried gun
is exempt from the lock-up requirement, because it isn’t stored or kept
(which it of course is, in plain terms). I don’t see it that way, and if
that is the intent, it is so vague an ambitious prosecutor could read it
differently and let you tell it to the judge. "He carried a gun that wasn't
secured your honor," we had those sorts of shenanigans here in Arizona.
Judges of course sided with prosecutors as a rule, every time. That sort of
legal interpretation is used all the time to ensnare the innocent.
If they really wanted to exempt carry, they could have been simple and
“(ii) Clause (i) shall not apply to a legally carried firearm.” They
didn't. Go ahead, trust them.
No handing a gun to someone you know
Virtually no private transfer is legal unless you turn over your firearm to
a dealer first and wait. The dealer must treat it like new inventory, log
it in, go through the whole rigmarole, and “sell” it back, for some sort of
fee or paperwork. You get to wait, for days or weeks, to transfer a gun to
a friend you know since high school, or anyone. Or go to jail if you get
found out.
Exceptions exist for family and at ranges and sport, with narrowly defined
easily violated exceptions. You can unlock and load a gun to save your
life, immediately during and only during a deadly threat. I'm not making
this up.
Seven-day waiting periods with horrible conditions, and anything else they
may think is needed later are included. I stopped here because nausea
overtook me.
So Mr. Biden is running on this platform. Everyone on stage with him and
cheering from the audience during the big democrat shakeout (the primaries)
had no objections, or knew nothing. All the people behind Joe Biden are
running on this too, hoping you won’t find out. Now, you’ll only hear about
his VP choice, peripheral nonsense, fluff interviews, gender and race wedge
issues, certainly not qualifications with meat on the bones, and certainly
not The Bill of Rights.
The gun grab is an open secret they’ll spring on you later. It’s already
written. If enough of them get elected, TRANSLATION -- if enough of you
don’t vote -- this is what you get. Is it illegal, immoral, corrupt,
infringement? Yes. Will they do it anyway? They already plan to. Have it in
writing. Who you gonna shoot? Don’t shoot. Vote.
The democrat socialist takeover of government, and gun removal program is
under way.
Oh, I didn’t get up to the part where if your gun has a removable magazine
and a grip -- yes, a grip -- it becomes contraband and illegal to own
altogether. That’s in chapter 5. I’m only up to chapter 2. Stay tuned.
Thank you mess media for informing the public.
And now that we have learned Kamala Harris is slated to be Joe's running
mate, this is her plan as well. The woman whose parents are from India and
Jamaica, which apparently makes her a natural born Citizen, she wants your
guns too. I remember Ted Cruz was born in Canada... who isn't eligible to
be president?
Alan Korwin
The Uninvited Ombudsman
Author of 14 books, ten on gun law. Three more on the drawing board.
Consultant to Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership,
They don’t care if you’re Jewish, they just care if you love freedom.
They get it.
HR5717. Title I.
Or try Title V, with the gun-ban part. The Table of Contents there is all
live links.
This part here isn't in the bill... it's on Joe Biden's website.
His anti-gun plan is straight out of the
Bloomberg/Brady/Griffin-Kelly/Soros anti-gun-rights playbook.
(Note: Kelly is running for the U.S. Senate in Arizona with so much cash he
is constantly in TV ads.)
Read it and you can tell the whole thing was drafted and posted by them.
Joe Biden had nothing to do with it, he can't even know everything that's
in it.
His "people" simply granted access and permission to list whatever they
Don't believe that? Have any reporter ask him about it. He won't be able to
I know, it's an easy bet to win. No reporter will ask. Ever. Right. The fix
is in. So, look!
Go take a look yourself, see if you agree, the link is below. You can read.
"Be" the reporter.
Every anti-gun everything I've ever seen, except this one below about
banning gun teaching, it's new.
I could not believe it when I saw it, it knocked me flat.
Gun education is banned --
"Prohibit the use of federal funds to arm or train educators to discharge
firearms. We should be passing rational gun laws, not requiring educators
who already have too much on their plates to also protect the safety of
their students. Biden supports barring states from using federal dollars to
arm or train educators to discharge firearms."
That's enough for now.
I've run too long.
I've deconstructed the bill for myself to understand it
I'll clean that up and and lay it out here.
Don't be lazy. Go take a look at the bill. Get shocked enough to spread the
If the White House changes hands, gun rights and the guns you already own
go with that.
See you later.
Bloomfield Press: Still serving your needs after more than three decades:
Don't end up in more trouble than the crook.
You know the media lies:
The bias is stunning,
spelled out in plain English.
The President tore a new one for the education system
at his brilliant Mount Rushmore speech for Independence Day.
People who read Page Nine are well aware of the near total
takeover of our government school system
by the forces of the Marxist/socialism/communism hordes.
Now the President, fighting Democrats tooth and nail,
is insisting that students go back into these virulent pestholes
in the Fall semester for... what, exactly? An education?
Indoctrination into a twisted distortion of what America is?
A hatred of America that resembles nothing of our fine land?
Counter-Intuitive Man smells a rat.
"It don't make no sense, no how."
(Triple negative is a positive.)
Trump, word-for-word, at Mt. Rushmore:
“In our schools... there is a new far-left fascism that demands absolute
allegiance. If you do not speak its language, perform its rituals, recite
its mantras, and follow its commandments, then you will be censored,
banished, blacklisted, persecuted, and punished...
“Against every law of society and nature, our children are taught in school
to hate their own country, and to believe that the men and women who built
it were not heroes, but that were villains. The radical view of American
history is a web of lies — all perspective is removed, every virtue is
obscured, every motive is twisted, every fact is distorted, and every flaw
is magnified until the history is purged and the record is disfigured
beyond all recognition.”
--Donald J. Trump, verbatim
Did you know that?
Schools led by the teachers union,
are teaching hatred for America.
If you're a person of no color (aka "white people")
you're an oppressor and should hate yourself.
Colorless parents should object.
Get the school textbooks. Read about our history.
Where are YOU from?
Total fun, and informative!
A 64-nation guide to the world's gun laws! See their laws, local prices,
who can bear arms, what you can possess (military ordnance in some
places!), clubs and contacts -- America is not alone in the struggle to
protect and enjoy the right to arms! Complete chart of gun freedom for
every nation. Read more
Illustrated, with national rankings
Every nation has gun ranges, gun stores, gun rights.
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GO LOOK, that's free: http://www.gunlaws.com/books18packages.htm
If you appreciate Alan Korwin’s efforts,
here’s a great way to support his work,
and enjoy his best-selling national titles,
at one great price!
Available separately too:
The groundbreaking After You Shoot (so you don’t help convict yourself)
Gun Laws of America (the unabridged guide to every federal gun law)
The Heller Case (the lawsuit that saved the 2nd Amendment)
Supreme Court Gun Cases (92 cases with descriptions on searchable CD)
Bomb Jokes at Airports (help save free speech)
And his latest, designed to bring your gunless friends on board --
Your First Gun: Should You Buy One and Join 60 Million Safely Armed
American Homes? A smokin’ deal!
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Did you or a friend run out and buy your first gun?
Cheap, works wonders, changes hearts and minds.
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Only $20 for a 4-Pack so you can give 'em away!
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That's just five bucks each! (This special price will increase soon, order
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They wouldn't be arguing so hard.
That's the whole problem in a nutshell.
"What you resist persists."
Black lives don't matter.
Everyone understands that.
7,000 blacks murder each other, every year,
and even the blacks do nothing about it.
The state sure doesn't. It perpetuates it.
It's not even a secret. There's even a map:
The so-called Black Lives Matter movement
excuses it, says look the other way, that's not the point,
ignores the problem, and focuses on one cop.
OK, two cops. And a redneck.
George Floyd had three times the lethal dose of fentanyl in him when he
Didn't you read the toxicology report? It's online.
Fentanyl stops your breathing.
Cop's knee was on his neck, not his throat.
Michael Brown never had his hands up.
Never said don't shoot. Everyone knows it.
Brown's blood was on the inside of the cop's squad-car door.
From trying to take the cop's gun away when he was shot.
It doesn't matter. Just like black lives.
I'm telling you true.
Democrats run the cities where black lives that matter not are constantly
And Democrats convince blacks to simply keep voting them in power.
What's wrong with that picture? How dey do dat?
Ask cheerleader Al Sharpton.
Nah, he'll just bamboozle you again.
Ask Kanye West.
Colorless lives matter.
Everyone knows that too.
Black Lives Matter Is:
RACIST. Well it certainly is discriminatory.
What would you (and mess media) say about:
White Lives Matter? That's intolerant.
They can't even tolerate ALL LIVES MATTER.
And of course, all lives do not matter.
Elite lives matter. Just read the news.
I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.
I'm just sayin'.
Black Lives Matter violates the holy grail of diversity.
It promotes segregation -- of thought, principles, equal justice.
But the biggest issue is the one mess media sweeps under the rug:
Marxism is a direct enemy of America and YOUR freedom.
Marxism (you should know this) stands against religion, capitalism,
individual prosperity, property ownership, free thought, owning a business,
turning a profit, hiring staff, freedom itself. Dogma in place of free
You see it everywhere in the BLM riots, thought control and cancel culture.
WARNING: You will not be part of the leadership.
You will be a subject.
Anyone who helps elect Biden actually gets
Pelosi, Schumer, Sanders, Ilhan Omar, AOC, BLM, Antifa,
George Soros, Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon, The Clintons again...
all the lefties we are hoping to leave behind come right back.
This is why leftist mayors are letting the Blacks run wild...
and the school-trained youngsters, and antifa-- can you believe it, antifa?
they believe it will help them get elected.
Not all Blacks, just the ones TV is featuring.
It's an upside down world, isn't it.
Alan Korwin, Publisher
Bloomfield Press
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