No. 194 September 14, 2020
100% online Sep. 19 - 20, 2020
Watch and participate entirely online: www.saf.org/grpc/
32 Panels, 100+ Presenters, books available as downloads
You can thank the communist Chinese plague for no-in-person attendance
(Left-wing radicals dispute that fact)
The entire program schedule will be posted.
This will be unique, the 35th annual conference, VIRTUAL, we're all eager to see how it turns out, tune in!
Headquarters is busting hump to get it to run right. So many firsts! Wish them well!
I will be presenting.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ...and now,
as they say, for the news, TOC 1. Joe
Biden's Plan for Everyone's Guns No Excuses 2. Joe Biden Cannot Hold a
Debate Not won't, he can't. Everyone knows
this ----::::---- 1. Joe
Biden's Plan for Everyone's Guns The Democrat's text for
effectively ending the Second Amendment, HR 5717 I’m starting with Parts One and Two below (called Title I and II, it goes on to Title X, or Ten). It is
complete federal discretion over firearms freedom. Mass
leaving you uninformed, are indeed among the greatest enemies our nation
faces. who is not licensed under this section to knowingly purchase, acquire, or possess a firearm or
ammunition.” If democrats sweep the election, they have already written this, introduced it, just need majorities to enact it. "But the Supreme Court would overturn that!" you shout. And Democrats have promised to overrun the Supreme Court.
The conditions for granting gun permission are literally whatever the
leadership says
it should be. Including determining if
you are fit, by their standards. You cannot
have a gun if there are: "...factors that suggest that the individual could potentially create a risk to public
These factors are not defined. They will be defined later by bureaucrats, if they are defined at all. Tell me:
"What armed citizen does not create a potential risk to public
In other words, owning firearms is ultimately at the discretion of the
authority -- the federal government at its discretion. This has a name:
infringement. Freedom of ownership and possession is taken away under this
proposal. Owning guns is of course a risk to public safety, since guns are
dangerous. Arguing with any of the terms of this bill is futile, since the
infringement is total on its face, the specific conditions hardly matter.
would be like arguing to edit phrases out of the Bible to increase its
absurd. You must be of "sound mind and character" to have or get firearms— including the guns you already have. FEDERAL
AGENTS GET TO DECIDE. Standards will be set later, with no time frame provided. Which apparatchiks will set the standards here in anyone’s guess, and a delegation of power -- a mentality police -- formally unknown.
“shall establish standards and processes by which
licensing authorities can revoke, suspend, or deny the issuance or renewal
of a
covered license (referring to gun stores) including for family requested
flag ERPO (emergency risk protection orders) and extensions of them.
"Accessible Guns" Are
Outlawed This item left me aghast; I’ve called it the leftist’s: “Guns are OK as long as they don’t work” condition, but it’s even worse than I ever imagined, because of paragraph (ii) -- “(V) (i) it shall be unlawful to store or keep a firearm in any place unless the firearm is secured in a locked container or equipped with a tamper-resistant mechanical lock or other safety device, properly engaged so as to render the firearm inoperable by any individual other than the owner or other lawfully authorized user; and “(ii) for purposes of clause (i), a firearm shall not be considered to be stored or kept if carried by or under the control of the owner or other lawfully authorized user.”
You read
that right. In plain English, it appears to say
if you carry your own firearm, discreetly with a proper permit, legally
or under Constitutional Carry, it is not considered properly stored, and so
you could be subject to arrest for an improperly, unlocked up firearm. I
know, I know,
it is outrageous -- the people who drafted this probably belong in
no private transfer is legal unless you turn
over your firearm to a dealer first and wait. The dealer must treat it like
inventory, log it in, go through the whole rigmarole, and
“sell” it back, for
some sort of fee or paperwork. You get to wait, for days or weeks, to
a gun to a friend you know since high school, or anyone. Or go to jail if
get found out.
Seven-day waiting periods with horrible conditions, and anything else they
think is needed later are included. I stopped here because nausea
overtook me. And now
that we have learned Kamala Harris is slated to be Joe's running mate, this
is her plan as well. The woman whose parents are from India and Jamaica,
which apparently makes her a natural born Citizen, she wants your guns too.
I remember Ted Cruz was born in Canada... who isn't eligible to be
Alan Korwin Or
try Title V, with the gun-ban part. The Table of Contents there is
all live links. This
part here isn't in the bill... it's on Joe Biden's website. His
anti-gun plan is straight out of the Bloomberg/Brady/Griffin-Kelly/Soros
anti-gun-rights playbook. (Note:
Kelly is running for the U.S. Senate in Arizona with so much cash he is
constantly in TV ads.) Read
it and you can tell the whole thing was drafted and posted by
them. Joe
Biden had nothing to do with it, he can't even know everything that's in
it. His
"people" simply granted access and permission to list whatever they
wanted. Don't
believe that? Have any reporter ask him about it. He won't be able to
answer. I
know, it's an easy bet to win. No reporter will ask. Ever. Right. The fix
is in. So, look! Go
take a look yourself, see if you agree, the link is below. You can read.
"Be" the reporter. Every
anti-gun everything I've ever seen, except this one below about banning gun
teaching, it's new. I
could not believe it when I saw it, it knocked me flat. Gun education is banned -- https://joebiden.com/gunsafety/ "Prohibit the use of federal funds to arm or train educators to discharge firearms. We should be passing rational gun laws, not requiring educators who already have too much on their plates to also protect the safety of their students. Biden supports barring states from using federal dollars to arm or train educators to discharge firearms." That's enough for now. I've run too long. I've deconstructed the bill for myself
to understand it I'll clean that up and and lay it out
here. Don't be lazy. Go take a look at the
bill. Get shocked enough to spread the word. If the White House changes hands, gun
rights and the guns you already own go with that. ----::::---- Bloomfield Press: Still serving your
SHOOT Don't end up in more trouble than the crook. ----::::---- You know the media
The President tore
a new one for the education system at his brilliant
Mount Rushmore speech for Independence Day. People who read
Page Nine are well aware of the near total takeover of our
government school system by the forces of
the Marxist/socialism/communism hordes. Now the President,
fighting Democrats tooth and nail, is insisting that
students go back into these virulent pestholes in the Fall
semester for... what, exactly? An education? Indoctrination into
a twisted distortion of what America is? A hatred of America
that resembles nothing of our fine land? Counter-Intuitive
Man smells a rat. "It don't make no
sense, no how." (Triple negative is
a positive.) Trump,
word-for-word, at Mt. Rushmore: “In our schools... there is a new far-left fascism that demands absolute allegiance. If you do not speak its language, perform its rituals, recite its mantras, and follow its commandments, then you will be censored, banished, blacklisted, persecuted, and punished...
“Against every law of society and nature, our children are taught in school to hate their own country, and to believe that the men and women who built it were not heroes, but that were villains. The radical view of American history is a web of lies — all perspective is removed, every virtue is obscured, every motive is twisted, every fact is distorted, and every flaw is magnified until the history is purged and the record is disfigured beyond all recognition.” --Donal J. Trump,
Did you know
that? Schools led by the
teachers union, are teaching hatred
for America. If you're a person
of no color (aka "white people") you're an oppressor
and should hate yourself. Colorless parents
should object. Get the school
textbooks. Read about our history. ----::::---- Where are YOU
from? Total fun, and informative!
WORLDWIDE GUN OWNER'S GUIDE Illustrated, with national rankings Every nation has gun ranges, gun stores, gun rights. Learn. THE ALAN PACKAGE! ![]() GO LOOK, that's free:
http://www.gunlaws.com/books18packages.htm If you appreciate Alan Korwin’s
efforts, Available separately too: The groundbreaking After You Shoot (so you don’t help convict yourself) Gun Laws of America (the unabridged guide to every federal gun law) The Heller Case (the lawsuit that saved the 2nd Amendment) Supreme Court Gun Cases (92 cases with descriptions on searchable CD) Bomb Jokes at Airports (help save free speech) And his latest, designed to bring your gunless friends on board -- Your First Gun: Should You Buy One and Join 60 Million Safely Armed American Homes? A smokin’ deal! Plus! 100 Guns Save Lives heart stickers in the
package for you. $107.75 if purchased separately -- but only $69.95 for the
set -- Save $37.80! Did you or a
friend run out and buy your first gun? Cheap, works wonders, changes hearts and minds. $10 bucks each, 4 for $20. Do something. Only
$20 for a 4-Pack so you can give 'em away! Immediate delivery on Kindle, only $4.95! SAVE! Means
Spend. More proof Americans (not you of course) are stupider than
Jupiter. And Earth, by the way, takes a capital letter, it is not earth
unless you mean
dirt. Start watching mess media with your eyes open, you'll see
everywhere. Envirowackos (and mess media) consistently misspell our planet,
unlike mars or
uranus. No editing, no ombudsman, no ethics, no worries. What, me
worry? Don't worry. MAD magazine went belly
up. In the ongoing effort to dumb down the public, merchandise
sales efforts now include impossible math, to an electorate that can't add,
from a school system that doesn't teach them how. People who I won't name
(not you honey, I swear) believe "Buy one get one for 50% off!" is a half
price sale. It's a 25% discount, and it gets you to spend more. Do the
math. Oh, that's right, most people can't. Hence the
ad. By now you have probably gotten wise to the scam of raising
prices, then offering a discount, often to above the original price. That's
illegal, but just like with gun law, you don't need law, you need law
enforcement, and there is none. Look at Portland. Why aren't those people
arrested, or worse? Democrats are proposing eliminating law enforcement,
and have convinced people to vote for that. I say,
don't. ----::::---- IF BLACK
wouldn't be arguing so
hard. That's the whole problem in a
nutshell. "What you resist
persists." Black lives don't
matter. Everyone understands
that. 7,000 blacks murder each other, every
year, and even the blacks do nothing about
it. The state sure doesn't. It perpetuates
it. It's not even a secret. There's even a
map: The so-called Black Lives Matter
movement excuses it, says look the other way, that's not the
point, ignores the problem, and focuses on one
cop. OK, two cops. And a
redneck. George Floyd had three times the lethal dose of fentanyl in him
when he
died. Didn't you read the toxicology report? It's
online. Fentanyl stops your
breathing. Cop's knee was on his neck, not his
throat. Michael Brown never had his hands
up. Never said don't shoot. Everyone knows
it. Brown's blood was on the inside of the cop's squad-car
door. From trying to take the cop's gun away when he was
shot. It doesn't matter. Just like black
lives. I'm telling you
true. Democrats run the cities where black lives that matter not are
lost. And Democrats convince blacks to simply keep voting them in
power. What's wrong with that picture? How dey do
dat? Ask cheerleader Al
Sharpton. Nah, he'll just bamboozle you
again. Ask Kanye
West. Colorless lives
matter. Everyone knows that
----::::---- Black Lives Matter
Is: RACIST. Well it certainly is
discriminatory. What
would you (and mess media) say
White Lives Matter? That's
intolerant. They
can't even tolerate ALL LIVES
MATTER. And of course, all lives do not
matter. Elite lives matter. Just read the
news. I'm not telling you anything you don't already
know. I'm just
sayin'. Black Lives Matter violates the holy grail of
diversity. It promotes segregation -- of thought, principles, equal
justice. But the biggest issue is the one mess media sweeps under the
MARXIST. THEY SAY SO THEMSELVES. Marxism is a direct enemy of America and YOUR
freedom. Marxism (you should know this) stands against religion,
capitalism, individual prosperity, property ownership, free thought, owning
business, turning a profit, hiring staff, freedom itself. Dogma in place
of free
speech. You see it everywhere in the BLM riots, thought control an
culture. WARNING: You will not be part of the
leadership. You will be a
subject. Anyone who helps elect Biden actually
gets Pelosi, Schumer, Sanders, Ilhan Omar, AOC, BLM,
Antifa, George Soros, Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon, The Clintons
again... all the lefties we are hoping to leave behind come right
back. This is why leftist mayors are letting the Blacks run
wild... and the school-trained youngsters, and antifa-- can you believe
it, antifa?
-- they believe it will help them get
elected. Not all Blacks, just the ones TV is
featuring. It's an upside down world, isn't
----::::---- Vaccine Will Save
Us! We
sure are glad THAT'S
over! Uhh,
mebbe. I
suspect the virus problem will persist for quite some time
Willie. Even with
a vaccine, because of all the unknowns: Will it
work on everyone, or be equally effective, For a long
time or a short time or any time at all, Won't know
real results until it's tested on millions of us, What will
the side effects be, if any, for everyone, How long
will its protection last, for each person, Will it be
effective on all strains of the virus, What sort
of shelf life will the chemicals in it have, How much
of the top secret proprietary expensive formula can we see, How fast
will the virus mutate, How many
anti-vaxers will there be, and what effect will they have, Will you
trust Dr. Fauci, the smartest man in the world, Or what
the mess media (sic) tells you, How much
legislative power will Fauci be granted, since he has none, I've got
to get back to my iso booth now. What
should I do with my (theoretically) virus-infested mask -- no not the
disposable paper one, the washable cloth one, oh, that one too... The
instruction book didn't say.
----::::---- Valuable
Information National Mortality figures (annual, daily) (Unlike mess media, this is real
data) Nationwide, all causes, about
2.8 million/yr. (includes old age), that's 7,671/day (death
certificates issued, body bags, burials, morgue space, services,
prayers) Heart disease 647,457
1,734/day Cancer 599,108
1,641/day Accidents 169,936 646/day Chronic lower respiratory disease
160,201 439/day Stroke 146,383 401/day Alzheimer 121,404
333/day Diabetes
83,564 229/day Flu 55,672 153/day Suicide 47,173 129/day Source: CDC, 2017 This is how propaganda should be
done: Watch it before it is taken
down While
it's hard to boycott everyone who stands against freedom, here
is a list of firms and their CEOs who are specifically against the
Right to Keep and Bear Arms, c/o CCRKBA.
----::::---- Alan Korwin, Publisher Bloomfield Press "We publish the gun laws." 4848 E. Cactus, #505-440 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 602-996-4020 Phone 602-494-0679 Fax 1-800-707-4020 Orders http://www.gunlaws.com alan@gunlaws.com Get this for someone who needs
it. Get it for someone who has a gun for
someone they know who needs it. "Don't be a spectator in the struggle
to preserve freedom."
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![]() on gun laws and other topics.