Get a free full-color catalog Completely free, totally cool --
Special new goods for kids, parents, women, self defense, knives, guns, much more
Get yours:
I've created this special feature for the print media and broadcasters ("Page Nine" regardless of where it runs), that covers stories afresh, not the way news rooms typically flavor things. It will help reduce the distrust so many news consumers feel and could be the most avidly followed item you carry -- if you carry it. It certainly is well received by my audience. This casual sample might make you say, "We'll NEVER run that!" but Page Nine is built around ad revenues from clear-thinking mainstream businesses.
Author Alan
as drawn by Pulitzer-prize-winning cartoonist Steve
-- Tell your friends --
Permission to circulate granted
Three Congressmen have now endorsed National Training Week -- when everyone is encouraged to go to the range and practice -- Read
all about it. Ask ranges in your state to support the
plan, it's simple -- they offer free one-hour handgun rentals to newcomers or
anyone during 4th of July Week, July 4 to 11.
Free publicity,
full-color artwork you can download and use, great opportunity to expand
business and attract new customers, spread the fun of the shooting
sports. YOU
should decide to be an ambassador for the project, go to your favorite
range, show them the webpage, and convince them to participate. You want
to DO something to save our rights? This is it.
National Training Week is also the perfect time to take non-shooting friends to the range and introduce them to this wonderful sport -- they'll never be the same, and will always remember you -- just like you remember the first time you went shooting!
Fireworks, Firearms and Freedom on the Fourth of July!
Special new goods for kids, parents, women, self defense, knives, guns, much more
Armed Jews Have A New Leader Armed Jews Have A New Leader
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership -- which bills itself as the most aggressive gun-rights organization in America -- has a new Executive Director, Mr. Charles Heller of Tucson. Charles is a firearms instructor, radio talk-show host, and a founder and board member of the Arizona Citizens Defense League, one of the nation's leading gun-rights groups.
Aaron Zelman (1946 - 2010), a dedicated and tireless civil-rights advocate, founded Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership in 1986. For 24 years, Aaron guided the organization to a position of prominence and respect within the firearms and larger human-rights communities. He also earned the enmity of groups pressing for civilian disarmament, such as the Brady Campaign to Promote Gun Violence, the Violence Policy Center, the Anti-Defamation League, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the federal Centers for Disease Control, the United Nations, the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and groups less demanding than JPFO in the defense of gun rights. JPFO's three main goals are:
--Destroy so-called “gun control” (code words for disarming innocent people).
--Expose the misguided notions that lead people to seek out so-called “gun control.”
--Encourage Americans to understand and defend all of the Bill of
Rights for all citizens. The Second Amendment is the “Guardian” of the
Bill of Rights.
The group has produced nationally acclaimed and award-winning books, videos and documentaries, including the highly controversial No Guns For Negroes, No Guns For Jews, Dial 911 and Die, Innocents Betrayed (concerning genocide of disarmed populations) and more. With Aaron's passing on Dec. 21, 2010, JPFO's board of directors, along with an inner circle of close colleagues, proceeded to ensure JPFO's continuing struggle to protect freedom, and the right of all people to keep and bear arms. The search for a new director was completed and officially announced last week.
JPFO's new Executive Director Meet Charles Heller:
I grew up in Chicago, the son of a law-enforcement officer and grandson
of a judge. I knew what certiorari was before I knew of the infield-fly
rule. I had a BB-gun rifle range in the basement of my grandfather's
house, and fired thousands of shots before my teen years. Our scout
troop met at Kesser Mariv Synagogue, and I was Bar Mitzvah at B'nai
In 1978 I moved to Arizona, specifically for the right to keep and
bear arms, when Chicago would no longer accept a gun registration. I am
literally a political refugee.
I am one of four co-founders of the Arizona Citizens Defense League,
the primary self-defense civil-rights lobby in Arizona. We are
responsible for the passage of Constitutional Carry here, the right to
carry openly or concealed without a permission slip from government, and
numerous other cutting-edge gun laws that protect and expand the G-d
given right to keep and bear arms.
I am the host of Swap Shop, Liberty Watch, and America Armed &
Free radio programs on KVOI in Tucson, and have been on the air for 13
13 years is a good omen -- 13 original American colonies, 13 stars in our original flag, a Jew becomes a man in the faith, "Bar Mitzvah," at 13 years of age. Go get 'em Charles!
Visit JPFO and show them your support, get on their free alerts list (nothing else like it!), buy a video and see something you will NOT see on broadcast TV. Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership in definitely one-of-a-kind -- Good luck Charles (a close personal friend I can recommend wholeheartedly) in steering this amazing group thorugh its next phase!
Weiner's Wife Is The Real Story
The lamestream media told you: The lamestream media told you:
Anthony Weiner's weiner this, weiner that, weiner the other, nudity, salaciousness, tax-funded Blackberry, conduct unbecoming a congressman, rehab, denials, political pressure, resignation speech that sounded like acceptance of the presidency.
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that: The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
While the public was distracted with smoke and mirrors and bread and circuses, the real story concerns this man's wife. Dr. Carl Goldberg, a prominent muslim/jihad watcher reported:
"All of the news media is devoting a huge amount of time and space to Congressman Weiner's adolescent sexual Internet behavior, but there is another element to this story that everyone who is concerned about the problem of Islam should be aware of.
"Weiner's wife, Huma Abedin is described as a practicing Moslem. While it is true that she is in violation of Sharia law for marrying a Jew, her biography raises serious concerns. Her father, a Muslim from India, was a scholar of Islam. Her mother, a Muslim from Pakistan, is professor of sociology in Saudi Arabia. Abedin was born in America, but she lived in Saudi Arabia from the age of 2 until she went to college at Georgetown. Her entire upbringing was in Saudi Arabia. Her parents clearly had to conform to the extreme Saudi teachings of Islam while teaching there. Has Abedin renounced any of the violent religious bigotry inherent in the doctrines of Islam which she was taught by her parents and her life in Saudi Arabia?
"Abedin is the closest confidant and assistant to our American Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. What advice do you supposed Abedin is giving our Secretary of State about Islam, the Islamic world and Israel? There is no way that Abedin can be loyal to her parents and her Islamic upbringing, and also be loyal to America. The two are mutually exclusive. It is either the Koran or the American Constitution, but not both.
"I urge you to visit the online discussions about Congressman Weiner raise these questions about Abedin's influence on our Secretary of State. Please go the Washington Post, CNN and the Wall Street Journal and leave your comments. Many people will read them. This is an excellent opportunity for us to raise the issue of Islamic doctrines. Feel free to cite a passage or two from the Koran. People need to read them!"
It's getting increasingly hard to write Page Nine in the traditional format -- because all the news stories are the same -- same topics, same errors, same slant... how many times and ways can I say that "insurgents" are really radical jihadi muslims bent on destroying western civilization? Every tax plan is reported from the side of people who get the money, not the people who have it taken from them. Science stories that don't support global whining, sustainability, destructive nature of man, evolution, the big bang, or that do support the lumber industry, industrial achievement, capitalism -- don't appear. I'll do what I can to use the familiar format, but the times they are a changin'.
Catch me on Armed American Radio -- July 3 Catch me on Armed American Radio -- July 3
I'll break away from the family BBQ for an appearance on Mark Walters' top rated show; nationwide, and here in my home town -- 960-AM KKNT Intelligent Conservative Talk Radio, 5 - 5:30 p.m. (2 - 2:30 East coast) Find a station near you and tune in --
Journalist David Codrea now has his own radio show -- Scottsdale-based radio station KBSZ 1260's new program, “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” debuted on June 13 in the 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. slot. I'll have a segment on June 29th at 7:30 a.m.
Jihad Blues
My guitar blues on YouTube has generated another response from a crazed somebody:
God is Allah. The Qoran is the Final revelation of God. And with the Qoran God created the beasts of the field and he has promised you his dreadful day. Have fun with scoffing, your lifes are like a shadow. Ask yourself a question, is God/Allah with Drunkerds, Harlots and gay people, a society who exist out of unmarried, unlawfel people, who consume alcohol, sell ther bodies, and behave as canibals. You must have made God so angry, that he allowed Jihadist to become like they are. The day of the Lord wil come like the clouds come.
It's been years since I've read this, but it hasn't lost any of its
power. This is one dangerous piece of writing. It might change your
entire perspective. Is the large-scale gun ownership we enjoy in America
part of a larger grand plan to keep us asleep and enslaved?
Black Boxes
Are you worried about Big Brother tracking you? Don't worry, it's no longer a paranoid delusion -- cars are being routinely fitted with black boxes for all sorts of "good" reasons, like your safety, recovering stolen property, turning cars off while they're running to catch crooks, and perhaps less "good" reasons too, like taxing you for gas used, adjusting insurance rates and tracking your whereabouts with excruciating precision, non-stop. EDRs - electronic data recorders. Why would an honest person even care? In a few years, a vehicle without a black box will stand out will arouse attention of the watchers...
Jihadi #2
According to Associated Press reports, Ayman al-Zawahiri, the world's number two jihadi (after bin laden, now deceased) is believed to be operating somewhere on or near the lawless tribal rugged mountainous border of Afghanistan and Pakistan. In layman's terms, this means he is living in a large, walled, luxury condo in a big city, with a full supply of good porno, chocolate and Coca-Cola, like his former boss.
The Collapse
I have a meeting idea for you.
The private Economics Discussion Group recently met for dinner at the University Club in Phoenix to consider the effects of a calamity on our personal finances, safety and society in general. Although we decided the chances of a catastrophe are probably low, the group clearly felt that some level of forethought and preparedness would be wise (which ranged from some extra water, cash, candles and canned goods -- to a remote bunker).
I had the honor of designing and leading the discussion, which turned out to be very energetic, and I would be glad to run a similar program for your group if you think there might be interest. Since then I have delivered the program to a number of prominent groups, all with excellent results. This is the summary that went out in the monthly meeting announcement:
Pundits everywhere seem to be warning of a coming “collapse” in America -- financial, social, government, civil unrest, immigration, jihad -- is there any chance they're correct?
What exactly do people mean by “a collapse”?
We will examine and discuss the possibilities, without going too deeply into dystopian science fiction.
Most important: What will you wish you had done before the collapse, that you can no longer do afterwards? In other words, are there prudent steps to take now, that could ease pain later, and help you come out ahead, knowing that some people always benefit from strife.
This will be a moderated participatory discussion, not a lecture.
“What I want to know is, if any of that's true, and we can't prevent it, what can I do now that I'll wish I had done once it's too late.”
Please get in touch if you'd like to pursue this. It is a fascinating and engaging conversation that holds everyone's attention and leaves people talking.
If you can't figure out how to get in touch with me and make arrangements, well, don't.
CounterIntuitive Man says:
Of course TV is addictive!
Leave your TV off for two whole days! Can you?!
Watch... what happens without TV!
You'll feel terrible pangs of withdrawal, proving TV is addictive!
See how your mind keeps reaching for the remote!
Don't cheat and watch videos on your computer, but you'll want to!
Especially don't watch in glimpses while a family member watches!
Get them to do it too -- but boy is that ever hard -- be prepared for WWIII!
You'll hit the fridge repeatedly, like an addict going for cold turkey!
With luck, you'll clean up all the piles of things you've accumulated around your home!
You might actually go outside, and experience the world, take a walk even!
All the books and magazines you've been meaning to read, you'll read some!
Your brain will start getting exercise, and you'll remember what that's like!
You will start to actively think, instead of passively absorbing!
It will feel strange, but strangely satisfying, even as you crave some TV!
But -- you won't do any of this because the addiction is so strong!
The rationalizations you'll come up with, well, try writing them down!
They will amaze you, and it's OK to write down the same ones over and over!
Because that's how the TV addiction works, it's amazing!
When you tell yourself you're missing the news, remember you know it's not news!
You know the news is trumped up vacuous propaganda or worse, yet you miss it!
If you succeed for the full 48 hours, write me and tell me how it went!
And if you have already broken the habit, don't bother writing!
The lawsuit against Phoeniox for censoring our messages is grinding along -- we've petitioned the court to amend our complaint, since the city cleverly changed their guidelines -- but they left intact the most egregious part -- the part where they can arbitararily decide who can speak and what you can say. More news as it happens. The wheels of justice turn slowly.
This particular billboard is posted at Deer Valley Rd. and 16th Street, approaching the Deer Valley Airport. It escaped censorship because it is not a Phoenix bus stop.
FOX-TV Channel 15 in Phoenix did a lopsided story about the case, and it's nice to be on the lop side for a change, even if it violates ethical journalism. How many ethical violations can you spot?
Just in time for a free-speech lawsuit against Phoenix to protect our right to arms!
The NRA can't buy network time to promote their views or seek members.
Kids are dismissed from school for wearing gun-safety T-shirts.
"News" media everywhere suppresses the "Guns Save Lives" message.
Real self-defense news is routinely censored as a matter of policy.
of every sort is banned by courts, federal and state laws, bureaucrats
at every level, financial and social forces -- read about the real deal
behind the "nappy headed ho" incident that got Don Imus bounced from the
airwaves -- pure black racism with a complicit media -- and hundreds of
other cases that will make your brains fall out!
While everyone's watching the debt, the borders, the fed, the muslims, the climate -- FREE SPEECH is crumbling all around us.
You can go to jail for a joke, get fired for an idle comment, have your business destroyed for an errant phrase.
The wrong words can get you killed -- officially or otherwise. There is a way to fight back -- and unused federal laws to put the censors in prison. This book will open your eyes.
"AFTER YOU SHOOT -- Your gun's hot. The perp's not. Now what?" A deadly loophole in self-defense law has been uncovered and exposed. Experts disagree on this -- and your life and freedom are on the line.
Officials and the judiciary don't want you questioning this -- or even thinking about it -- but it's the hottest self-defense book in America today.
Multiple solutions to the life-threatening problems are presented, some of which could work for you or your state.
A fascinating easy read, reviews have been exceptional.
Find out what your options are,
more than 70 experts had input, five different solutions are proposed,
this self-defense loophole requires national attention and deserves your
support. Get your copy without delay.
After You Shoot: Your gun's hot. The perp's not. Now what? Only $14.95, call for wholesale discounts on six or more, it's a perfect gift, brand new and very hot. 1-800-707-4020
Brand new -- Just released -- Unlike any book you own!
Every nation has gun rights, gun stores, gun laws, shooting ranges, gun buffs just like you. The idea that America stands alone in bullpucky. The U.N. and the "news" media want you to believe only America has the right to arms, but this is a universally recognized human right. Some nations are far more tyrannical for sure, and some are better than us. The bottom line is, the truth will set you free -- find out what it's like for gun owners around the world. "Read it for the planet."
Now in stock and available for immediate shipment! Retailers -- call us for wholesale orders. 1-800-707-4020
This is a game changer. America does not stand alone against the forces who would disarm you.
Your image of guns and gun rights will shift when your browse this book.
Is your family from Italy? Poland? China? Ireland? Sixty other nations? Find out what gun laws are like in your homeland. See what Israel, Canada, England and Mexico are really like.
Every nation is ranked for gun freedom, from 1 to 64. Freedom-loving Switzerland is #5 -- four points ahead of the U.S.!! See the entire list.
-Who can have guns -How to obtain firearms -What firearms are legal -Ammunition, suppressors, full-autos -Handloading and special weapons -Where you can shoot -Local color, history, background, even travel tips -Clubs, contacts and the local scene -Pricing and availability too!
A tremendous addition to your library and your knowledge base: The 64-nation Worldwide Gun Owner's Guide -- 368 pages Only $19.95 +S&H
"AFTER YOU SHOOT -- Your gun's hot. The perp's not. Now what?" A deadly loophole in self-defense law has been uncovered and exposed. Experts disagree on this -- and your life and freedom are on the line.
Officials and the judiciary don't want you questioning this -- or even thinking about it -- but it's the hottest self-defense book in America today.
Multiple solutions to the life-threatening problems are presented, some of which could work for you or your state.
A fascinating easy read, reviews have been exceptional.
Find out what your options are, more than 70 experts had input, five different solutions are proposed, this self-defense loophole requires national attention and deserves your support. Get your copy without delay.
After You Shoot: Your gun's hot. The perp's not. Now what? Only $14.95, call for wholesale discounts on six or more, it's a perfect gift, brand new and very hot. 1-800-707-4020
Special new goods for kids, parents, women, self defense, knives, guns, much more
Only in Arizona --
Drivers heading into Prescott get the TrainMeAZ message.
This message faces Phoenix travelers heading north out of Sky Harbor International Airport on 24th Street.
This message faces Phoenix travelers heading east into Scottsdale on Indian School Road.
This message faces legislators and other who drive to the state capital south from Interstate 10, on 19th Avenue. It was of only two boards available anywhere near the capital, and we have it until the end of the legislative session.
The 2011 book is now in stock and shipping, the delays and computer problems are over, get yours now. More than 50 changes in this edition, plus it now includes rules for restaurant carry, and greatly expanded front matter with requirements with police during a roadside stop, motorcycles and much more.
We're back on our standard goal of five-to-ten business day delivery. Still only $13.95 +S&H, so much cheaper than a lawyer -- and better than many of them (though it was written by an excellent Kentucky attorney, J. Scott Kappas.) Nearly one million copies in print.
The Traveler's Guide provides the only nationwide ranking of gun freedom in the states of the Union. The book has increased the rank of Arizona to 99%, which corresponds closely to the Brady Center to Promote Gun Violence's ranking of freedom suppression, which places Arizona near the bottom of its so-called report card.
Arizonans, proud of the Brady rank of 2 out of 100, are pressing for a perfect zero score, with bills now in the legislative process. To keep up with Arizona's innovative proposed statutes, follow the action at the Arizona Citizens Defense League,
The complete guide to
the self-defense laws in plain English! 556 pages, a stunning
achievement, for all gun owners -- not just CCW permit holders. How fair and just is your state compared to the others? How can you defend yourself legally and not end up in more trouble than an attacker? Just
look at the Table of
NOW AVAILABLE for immediate shipment (and it's excellent)!!
Works for anyone in any state!
320 pages!
The Traveler's Gun AND Knife Law Book -- for All 50 States! Brand
new and five times thicker than the original Traveler's Guide (which is still an excellent resource, now new for 2011), this book
covers guns AND knives, restaurant carry, park carry, your rights in a
traffic stop, do you have to notify officers, much more, with tremendous
detail you could not get before! Get 'em both!
PLUS -- If there's no guide available for your specific state, this is the book to own.
Arizona is rekindling the idea of a nation of marksmen. is a non-partisan joint effort by the firearms community to promote voluntary firearms training, replacing the government mandate that came with the state's 1994 CCW-permit law. Trainers, shooting ranges and industry are encouraged to contact the organizers to participate and attract new business.
CATO Institute Chairman Bob Levy (Heller case attorney)
"... TrainMeAZ is a no-lose proposition. It will promote gun safety
and marksmanship as an integral component of American citizenship ..."
On behalf of the five NRA Board Members who make
Arizona their home (including two past presidents), we’re asking you to take a stand on gun rights and
support the TrainMeAZ campaign now being organized.
Our new Constitutional Carry law changes everything.
Now that any law-abiding adult in Arizona can discreetly carry
firearms, Arizona leads the nation in demonstrated support for the
Second Amendment. It’s in your interest as Arizonans, and the nation
needs to know, what we’ve accomplished.
We have a priceless opportunity to launch “a culture
of marksmanship” here in Arizona that can sweep across the country, but
it can only happen with your direct involvement. Now that government
no longer dictates the training environment, private enterprise and the
free market should take advantage and fill that vacuum.
This will help your business, build your customer
base, and bolster the right to keep and bear arms. By acting as a state
instead of separately, we will present an image to the nation that
pushes all our independent interests ahead... Read the rest.
If you like limited constitutional government, you'll love --
The Founders Package:
Every American home should have the books our Founding Fathers read and wrote. Get the 11 top titles with one easy decision. Visit this page for clear detailed summaries of these all-time classics and you won't even need to get the set. But you'll want to!
Please Don't Donate To Us If you want to donate to our efforts, just buy our goods from us; Buy a batch and give them to friends, ask about cheap wholesale pricing. You get something, we get something, it's more better. Self-interest and capitalism -- The American Way
You can never know enough about self defense -- the laws, tactics, strategies and real-life stories of people who survived mortal combat. We've got a superb collection of books and DVDs that will advance your skills and knowledge:
Do you want to see what really good gun laws look like?
If you live in Arizona, you need one, especially if you plan to carry discreetly or openly. (24th edition, includes the newly enacted laws insert).
If you're out of the state, this is an eye opener. You will want your state to emulate what we have here. Only $14.95, or get six at 20% off, or 12 at 40% off.
If this report works for you -- please tell your friends!
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Author Alan Korwin as drawn by Pulitzer-prize-winning cartoonist Steve Benson
If you're like some folks who ask if they can link to or forward my stuff, the answer is YES! and I'm honored by such interest. You can use the PageNine logo or any art from my site, with my thanks and appreciation.
Comments help keep me going. Alan.
Alan, if you think this idea will make us safer [repeal of gun-rights infringements], you are nuts! The more
guns, the more violence. What gun manufacturer do you work for? The idea
that we will be safer by putting more guns out there is absolutely
crazy. Our country is one of the most violent upscale countries in the
world and it is a direct result of the ease which we can get guns.
Having the right to bear arms to form a militia, has been turned into
our nation returning to the wild and very dangerous wild west. The idea
we can only settle our differences with the expansion of guns it
absolutely insane. The right to bear arms can and is consistent with
safety but that doesn't mean we all need to be packing guns. It is sad
people like you push the idea that more violence will result in less
violence. Shame on you. Gun ounership carries responsibilities and one
is to assure that nust like you can't get their hands on guns . The idea
of carrying guns to political events is like taking guns to polling
places in the south, simple intimidation and infact is a call to
violence by you! By carrying guns to public places simply send the
message that well we can't talk this our with reason, rather let's shoot
it out. --Steve M.
Back in print after years!
This book changed the landscape -- one woman writing for other women, speaking in a voice women could hear, without the macho noise that turns women off. Paxton has been on every newscast you can name. The media hardly knows what to make of a woman who understands guns. Makes a perfect gift for someone you know.
All new current statistics New information on gun control laws Additional stories about women using gun to stop an attacker New recommendations on handguns for women -- Paxton says: I advocate that women get CCWs where it's legal and carry -- I never said that in the first book! Updated bibliography Information on the US Supreme Court Case
At least look, cool things to see:
Alan Korwin
Bloomfield Press
"We publish the gun laws."
4848 E. Cactus, #505-440 <-- as of 2007
Scottsdale, AZ 85254 <-- as of 2007
602-996-4020 Phone
602-494-0679 Fax
1-800-707-4020 Orders
Call, write, fax or click for free full-color catalog
If you can read this, thank a teacher.
If you're reading this in English, thank a veteran.
"No one could make a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little." --Edmund Burke
Gun Save Lives
Guns Stop Crime
Guns Are Why America Is Still Free
Add yourself to this free list:
(Alan's private email list -- used infrequently for Page Nine
and gun-law updates; you can unsubscribe at any time)