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PAGE NINE -- No. 71
by Alan Korwin, Author
Gun Laws of America


I've created a special feature for the print media and broadcasters ("Page Nine" regardless of where or when it runs), that covers stories afresh, not the way news rooms typically flavor things. It would help reduce the distrust so many news consumers feel and could be the most avidly followed item you carry -- if you carry it. It certainly is well received by my audience.

This casual sample might make you say, "We'll NEVER run that!" but Page Nine is being built around ad revenues from clear-thinking mainstream businesses.

Alan Korwin, Author
Gun Laws of America
"The Uninvited Ombudsman"


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The Uninvited Ombudsman Report, No. 71
by Alan Korwin, Sep. 2, 2009


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(searchable by item number)

1- AR-15 At Rally
2- Spontaneous Demonstrations -- Not
3- CIA Interrogators Probed
4- Reporting By Clunkers
5- Ted Kennedy Dies
6- Fairness Doctrine Redux
7- 200 Million Rounds
8- No Gun Taxation!
9- Special Guest Columnist Barrett Tillman
    Why Do We Shoot?



I noted with disdain that Judge Sotomayor, in the Supreme Court nomination process, said, "The Constitution doesn't give me the right to go home, get a gun, and come back to shoot you," and none of our representatives on the committee called her out on it, they just let her preposterous statement stand.

Reader Bob R. correctly pointed out that the Constitution actually does guarantee exactly that. You would have to be perfectly justified in your use of force of course (which Sonia wouldn't have been in the circumstance she was in), but your right to go home, get a gun, and use it in a situation where it would be justified, is at the heart of a free society. Also note, it is a right the Constitution guarantees, not a right the Constitution gives, a common error in thought and logic from people in government. Thank you Bob, I stand corrected.


Disgraceful error of the week: MSNBC covered up the race of the AR-15 protester (he was black) at the Obama rally in Phoenix, and charged white racists with the "offense." Shame on such anti-ethical behavior. No correction is expected. See it with your own eyes.


I said our newly enacted Defensive Display self-defense law was invented in Arizona. It was not. Gary Marbut and Montana get the credit for this fine addition to statutes that protect the public. Sorry.



Arizona Women To Shoot For Solidarity
--by Felicity Bower

A handful of women's firearms groups met at Cabella's on Aug. 15, 2009, to explore the possibility of forming an umbrella association of similar organizations statewide. The model they're setting could take root in other states.

These enterprising Gun Active Ladies, or GAL, agreed to continue discussions, find and recruit new participants, and seek to increase women's involvement in the shooting sports, personal protection, and the ongoing struggle to protect Second Amendment rights.

The GALs decided to create a website portal, so women can easily reach the various groups around the state. The portal would post schedules of ladies' shoots, events, meetings, classes, training available for women, and have links to related groups. A visitor will be able to easily reach any of the member associations' own websites, providing a marketing tool for member groups.

Only women's firearm associations in the state would be part of the core steering committee. A coordinated public voice and publicity arm for women's issues also seemed a natural element of the nascent group. The attendees briefly considered the potential for similar grassroots affiliations in all 50 states. Florida GALs, anyone? All it takes is one or two active women to call for a pow wow and invite leaders of relevant groups in their state. They're out there, but generally not organized.

According to industry studies, women are among the fastest growing segments of the shooting sports, personal-protection movement, civil- and gun-rights groups and the gun-buying public. Their concerns over personal responsibility and safety, child and family safety, crime deterrence, and the thrill, excitement and empowerment of the shooting sports are the driving forces moving these GALs ahead. "Women Unite" is taking on a whole new meaning.

If you know of a women's shooting sports group, please contact the ad hoc ChairGAL, Kim Grady, at



BRAND NEW THIS MONTH: Plain-English gun owner guide for North AND South Dakota! Only $11.95, both states in one book. Know your laws, stay safe.

Also recent: gun-owner guides for Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, North Carolina, South Carolina and Ohio:

50-State Traveler's Guide:

Plus -- we've introduced the Armed Response series of self-defense DVDs, truly excellent, take a look:

The Neal Knox autobiographical book has arrived: The Gun Rights War. Years in the making, the best of Neal edited by his son Chris:


Does this explain elements of holplophobia, and the position of many leftists?
"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity."
--Sigmund Freud, General Introduction to Psychoanalysis


A brilliant concise explanation of why the media is so distorted and leftist, this guy Bill Whittle has nailed it:


Black man with gun harms no one:
My Sunday editorial on the armed protesters at the Obama appearance in Phoenix reached 550,000, generated amazing responses, read it as written (the paper of course manipulated it some, but not too badly).




1- AR-15 At Rally

The lamestream media told you:

Armed individuals attended the recent Obama rally in Phoenix, and the guns may have actually been loaded. Reporters nationwide expressed shock, dismay, incredulity and were generally stunned by the occurrence, but did note, for example:

"There is an open carry law that makes this perfectly legal in the state of Arizona." --Ed Henry, White House Correspondent, CNN.

"This is perfectly legal in the state of Arizona because they have an open carry law." --Rick Sanchez, anchor, CNN.


The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:

Arizona does NOT have an open carry law.

Arizona has its Constitution in operation. Big difference. This means open carry is not (and cannot be) banned. There is no law "allowing" citizens to have this right (a detestable statist perspective by the way, government has no power to "allow" us to have arms), people here simply have this right, since statehood (1912). The Uninvited Ombudsman wrote the plain-English Arizona Gun Owner's Guide (going into its 24th Edition in October) so he knows of what he speaks.

What Arizona does have is a concealed-carry ban, infringing on the public's right to keep and bear arms discreetly. This situation was adjusted, by a law of questionable constitutionality, "allowing" the government to issue permission slips to people willing to sign up for permits to discreetly exercise their rights. To get a permission slip you must fill out an application, take a class, pass two tests, pay a steep tax called a "fee," give up your fingerprints, get listed in the criminal database, be certified by the FBI, be issued an expiration date and carry around "your papers" (actually, a plastic card). Yes, there are similarities to what blacks had to endure to exercise the right to vote in the early part of last century, which has since been declared totally unconstitutional.

CNN reporter Henry noted, as hard as this is to believe, that he had never actually seen an AR-15 personally before, so this was learning experience for him (he didn't put it quite that way). See the CNN talking heads wetting their pants over the non incident here:

Countering the shockwaves in the national media, I did this interview on WGN in Chicago (in two parts; links may have expired when you get this, please forward new ones to me if need be):,0,3327749.mp3file,0,3393286.mp3file

Host Greg Jarrett said he couldn't recall robberies in restaurants, so guns aren't needed. Here is a site that shows 13 armed robberies at restaurants in Chicago alone (Jarrett's city) in the last month.

And here is CNN's Rick Sanchez with a knot in his shorts when he learns perpetual Phoenix gadfly libertarian Ernie Hancock was the community organizer behind the AR-15 appearance and interview -- coordinated with Phoenix police and Secret Service -- so they'd be right nearby where they could protect the black fellow's right to keep and bear arms! Sanchez is fit to be tied when he learns this wasn't just some random occurrence, but a real demonstration of freedom. What does he think -- any planned demonstration isn't organized? That CNN isn't invited at the proper time and provided with the background and access to do their "stories"? Check out Ernie's 2-hour interview with the armed black man who harmed no one.

For curious marksmen out there, Chris carried a Bushmaster Carbon-15 ultralight Model 4, with a full mag in the well but no round in the chamber (he felt he couldn't adequately control the shouldered rifle's safety and prevent a miscreant from flipping it and touching off a round), and a 9mm Glock 17.



2- Spontaneous Demonstrations -- Not

The lamestream media told you:

Some group or other is having a demonstration at the White House, where our reporter is covering the situation live as it unfolds, including the arrest of two of the protesters.


The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:

Noted scholar and friend Dave Hardy writes to clarify:

"From 1982 to 1992 I worked for the legal branch of the Interior Dept in Washington. Across the hall were the attorneys for National Capital Region Parks. A lot of their work dealt with demonstrations, since the White House premises, the park across the street from it, and similar places were within their jurisdiction.

"One day at lunch with them one attorney is telling his boss of some leftist group (I forget which or what cause)... Twelve of them will be in the tour group that enters the White House at 10 a.m. At 10:15, they will leave the tour group, cross the line into the area where entry is forbidden on the White House lawn. Park police will demand that they leave at 10:30. Ten will comply, and the remaining two will be arrested.

"In some surprise I asked how he knew all this with such detail in advance. He responded that it had been negotiated out. It was easier on everyone. Park Police could arrest two instead of twelve, and the two would be quickly released. Park Police knew exactly when to show up. The demonstrators could tell the media exactly when to be there, so they didn't waste time in the hot sun waiting for Park Police to show up and make arrests.

"The attorney said this was SOP for White House demonstrations. Call the right office, come in, and work out terms. And the media knows it, because they're beneficiaries."

The media damn well knows it. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.




3- CIA Interrogators Probed

The lamestream media told you:

"Washington -- Despite president Obama's desire to avoid revisiting Bush-era interrogations, attorney general Eric Holder appointed a special prosecutor Monday to determine whether CIA officials or contractors should be criminally investigated in the suspected torture of terrorism detainees," according to Marissa Taylor and Warren Strobel, reporting for the McClatchy news service.


The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:

Anyone who understands how these things work knows the AG does not go off and pursue a witch hunt like this if his boss (the president) doesn't want it. This story merely provides cover for Mr. Obama, who desperately wants to satisfy his supporters and seek blood in attacking his predecessor, the hated president Bush, who for seven and a half years prevented radical Muslims from attacking the U.S. homeland, while they destroyed people and property all over the rest of the globe.




4- Reporting By Clunkers

The lamestream media told you:

The cash-for-clunkers program, which was so popular it crashed the government's computers, was without doubt the most wildly successful program in all the government's stimulus efforts to date. The $3 billion allotted to the plan generated more than $20 billion in sales for car dealers.


The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:

The one-sided puff pieces that graced newspaper front pages nationwide violated the most basic principles of reporting ethics, by providing a single side to a multi-faceted story, and by adopting the government's position, the opposite of what a free press is supposed to do.

Missing from most of these stories was the perspective of taxpayers, people who were forced (taxation isn't optional) to foot the bill for other people to get cars with money that wasn't theirs to spend. The Constitution expressly forbids collecting taxes and then giving it to people to buy horses, cars, or anything. The burden this places on taxpayers, the economy and government morality is unspeakably large, though omitted from the gushing stories.

The perfectly working cars relinquished under the plan, as widely reported, are destroyed, for reasons that have not been satisfactorily explained, probably because they cannot be satisfactorily explained. Some limited parts salvage was deemed acceptable by Congress, whoop dee do.




5- Ted Kennedy Dies

The lamestream media told you:

U.S. Sen. Edward Moore Kennedy died shortly before midnight Aug. 25, at his home in Hyannis Port, Mass. "He was one of history's most towering senators, a skilled lawmaker who crafted scores of statutes that helped how children learn, how doctors treat the sick, and how workers are paid and protected," according to a national news release from McClatchy news service.


The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:

It was unclear at press time whether America's Founding Fathers would have considered a senator who crafted scores of statutes that "helped how children learn, how doctors treat the sick, and how workers are paid and protected" was "towering." A review of the U.S. Constitution finds no delegated authority whatsoever for any such things, but no arrests have been reported. Yet.

Ted (not his real name) Kennedy, a dedicated and at times vicious anti-rights advocate on Second Amendment issues, is expected to be praised incessantly in left-wing lamestream media, without mention of his well-known role in fighting against the fundamental human right of self defense.

If he is emblematic of liberalism and progressivism, as the "news" has reported, then a perhaps narrow but certainly deep hatred of one of America's most fundamental rights and defining characteristics infects a significant portion of the nation. Such people should have little role indeed in guiding our national defense or personal self defense.




6- Fairness Doctrine Redux

The lamestream media told you:



The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:

President Obama has appointed Mark Lloyd as chief diversity officer to the FCC. According to early reports in this breaking story, he will have the power to manage talk radio content as diversity czar, accomplishing the goals of the Unfairness Doctrine, which has been essentially abandoned as not enactable.

Using the power of the FCC, this unelected czar could threaten the licenses of broadcasters, and, according to his earlier statements, essentially force broadcasters to subsidize their competition at a rate that could bankrupt them.

Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck have covered the sketchy details of this blockbuster, but the lamestream media has remained mum, a travesty as far as keeping the public informed is concerned. A simple Google search fills in some of the blanks, or you can start with this brief piece:

The Internet's ability to keep the public informed represents such incredible political power that the powers-that-be must eventually look into control and censorship of the web. That has begun, with a bill designed to give the president an off switch for the entire Internet, usable during an undefined technology emergency. It hasn't passed yet, though technologists have known for years that the web can be shut down by fiat with ease.




7- 200 Million Rounds

The lamestream media told you:

Nothing. The firearms industry isn't worth covering.


The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:

Winchester Ammunition was recently awarded a contract by the Immigration, Customs and Enforcement (ICE) division of the Department of Homeland Security to supply up to 200 million rounds of .40 cal. 135-grain hollowpoint ammunition over the next five years. The round was originally designed for the office of Field Operations of Customs and Border Protection, and will be produced under Winchester's Ranger line of products.

Although not specified, it seems apparent the ammunition will be used mostly for training, since there aren't 200 million people that ICE has to shoot. This hurts the anti-rights myth that the only purpose of a gun is to kill, since very little killing is expected from the entire mountain of ammo. Of course, the only legitimate purpose of a gun is to protect, a fact somehow overlooked in "news" reports for decades.




8- No Gun Taxation!

The lamestream media told you:

Nothing. This is getting pretty tiresome.


The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:

The Louisiana Department of Revenue has issued rules and dates for the state's first annual Second Amendment Weekend Sales Tax Holiday. The sales tax holiday, Sept. 4-6, will provide a three-day exemption from state and local sales and use taxes on consumer purchases of firearms, ammunition and hunting supplies. The tax holiday is intended to be an annual event. Everyone interested in having a similar holiday in your own state please raise your hand. Wow. It's unanimous.




9- Special Guest Columnist Barrett Tillman
Why do we shoot?

Prolific author and friend Barrett Tillman pondered the joy of shooting and came up with satisfying, heart warming, intellectually revealing insight. These ideas will resonate with shooters, and likely be incomprehensible to the gun averse. He conducted an informal survey, to add to his own ruminations, and found:

One important factor emerged early: concentration. As one national champion said, "When I'm shooting I can't think about anything else. I have to focus on what I'm doing, and that's relaxing for me." Any serious marksman agrees: mortgages, appointments, and politics simply vanish for the duration of the shot or series of shots. Shooting is, therefore, relaxing.

"But," exclaim the anti-gunners, "so is golf or tennis or tiddlywinks." Which may be true, as shooting holds some of the attraction found in other accuracy games, but there's a sensory difference: "Like golf except louder," according to a Florida pistol competitor. An Arizona attorney agrees: "The stronger the stimulus the stronger the response." Another Arizonan flatly explains, "I like recoil."

Others cited less tangible reasons, such as the California instructor who eloquently replied, "I enjoy the rich history that goes with skill at arms, as well as appreciating the engineering genius that gave birth to these artifacts. My involvement in shooting makes me feel part of the continuum of history and gives me a greater appreciation of the deeds of historical figures."

However, two key factors emerged from the poll: distance and control.

Shooting has to do with action at a distance: "You do something here, something happens over there," says a civilian marksman. A military professional agrees: "Man is a control freak. Not only does he want to be in control of himself, but also over everything he can manage… even at extended ranges."

Control -- especially self control -- is a recurring theme. A Marine sergeant explained, "I think it has to do with man overcoming and controlling the forces or laws of nature. Taking that a step deeper, I'm sure some would say that it all boils down to control."

Enjoy the whole article:




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The 2009 Traveler's Guide to the Gun Laws of the 50 States is now available. Plus, updated editions for Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, North Carolina and Ohio. Also new -- South Carolina.




Thanks for reading!
Alan Korwin
The Uninvited Ombudsman


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Comments help keep me going. Alan.

(no time for them this issue, got a ton from the AR-15-guy editorial, will get to them next time.)


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