I've created a special feature for the print media and broadcasters ("Page Nine" regardless of where or when it runs), that covers stories afresh, not the way news rooms typically flavor things. It would help reduce the distrust so many news consumers feel and could be the most avidly followed item you carry -- if you carry it. It certainly is well received by my audience.
This casual sample might make you say, "We'll NEVER run that!" but Page Nine is being built around ad revenues from clear-thinking mainstream businesses.
Alan Korwin, Author
Gun Laws of America
"The Uninvited Ombudsman"
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The Uninvited Ombudsman Report, No. 53
by Alan Korwin, Sep. 23, 2008
1- Brady Schemes Exposed
2- Party Gun Platforms
3- Dangerous BATFE Changes
4- Miller’s Gun Ban
5- Palin Gets Booked
6- Heller Citings Growing
7- Heller’s Suit Expensive
8- Jury Rights Day
9- Chicago War Deaths
10- Muslims Get Booted
The Heller Case: Gun Rights Affirmed! is on trucks and rolling! LAST CHANCE to get yours at the discounted pre-release price! This "first edition of history" captures the excitement of "The Case That Saved the Second Amendment." Find out how the antis and pros will use the case to affect your rights. Learn how you can use the case to strengthen gun rights for all Americans. Complete details now posted: https://www.gunlaws.com/hc.htm
National Gun Rights Policy Conference
Sep. 26 - 28, 2008
Sheraton Crescent Hotel, Phoenix
2620 W. Dunlap (NE cor. I-17 and Dunlap)
7 p.m. Fri. reception, 7:30 - 5:00 Sat., 7:30 - Noon Sun.
-- Registration, books, food and receptions are provided at no cost to you!
-- Reserve your admission at no cost: http://www.saf.org/default.asp?p=GRPC
Confirmed speakers: Alan Gura (Heller’s lawyer); John Lott (author of More Guns Less Crime); Michael Guzman (Students for Concealed Carry); Jeff Knox (The Knox Report); Sandy Froman, Bob Barr, Massad Ayoob, David Kopel, David Hardy, me, reps from a dozen states -- Hawaii to Georgia, The Cartridge Family, more.
How many events can make that claim?! Join your tastefully armed friends for a tasty lunch and bash, The Arizona Citizens Defense League annual meeting, Sat. 10/18, Noon to 4:30, http://www.azcdl.org
I reported (P9-52) that Olympic shot-put records for women are 15% inferior to men (60-foot vs. 70-foot throws), contradicting the politically corrupt myth that men and women are equal. Thanks to Rick D. of Arizona for noting that women get to use lighter shots than men too, making the deception worse. This helps hide the inequality of the sexes, perpetuates the lie of equality, makes men look less capable than they are (or makes women look more competent than they deserve), and is just one more bias the news perpetrates on the public without compunction, regret or ethics. How much lighter? A lot: Men throw 16 pounders, women toss a mere 8.8 pounds -- and still throw 15% shorter. Discus uses dual standards as well. High schools have a similar double standard. I didn’t say men are superior, the Olympics did. And it’s OK -- don’t deny the difference, celebrate it.
Alan, Let's not forget Vinny Hancock, from Eatonton, Ga., who brought home the Gold in Men's Skeet Shooting. He's in the Army, I know his parents well, fine young man representing the USA! Sincerely, Steve M. S. [I had only mentioned Kim Rhode.]
The abbreviation for Kansas in the shall-issue list should be "KS" not "KA."
Although I was correct that B.H. Obama’s 64-page policy guidelines don’t mention “gun” in any form, he has sent letters (which have since been discontinued) to people asking for that information. Two readers sent copies, pasted at the end of this report. It ain’t pretty -- leans on all the things we need to do to stop filthy guns, while mouthing hollow support for 2A.
We’re looking for a classy, dignified, tasteful, non-derogatory term to replace the common and awful “gun-nut,” “gun-bubba,” “gunnie” and “knuckle-dragging-truck-driving-beer-bellied-sloped-forehead-one-eyebrowed-trailer-trash-redneck” so often used to indicate decent gun-owning American citizens. Please send ideas.
1- Brady Schemes Exposed
The lamestream media told you:
There are many good ideas for cutting “gun deaths,” according to a Freakonomics quorum run by The New York Timeshttp://tinyurl.com/5fn62u. “Let’s put aside for a moment the standard discussions about the right to bear arms,” quotes the piece, which goes on to discuss novel ideas -- but not the demographic reality that 80-90% of gun deaths (omitting suicide) are related to the War on Some Drugs, making them actually war deaths.
Among the suggestions: rewards for snitching on illegal possession, increased parental involvement, garnishing wages to pay victims, elect gun-death-reduction politicians, tipping the Supreme Court away from its current pro-rights stance, and other ideas.
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
Anti-gun-rights crusader and Brady gun-ban hero David Hemenway, a Harvard professor of “health policy,” has developed plans for gun bans and rights restrictions that will skirt the Heller gun-rights findings and attack the rights of the public, with little or no effect on crime. He is being hailed as a champion in some dark circles opposed to the right to keep and bear arms. The plan is fiendishly simple:
Create the National Firearm Safety Administration, which could quickly occur if anti-rights candidate B.H. Obama wins the presidency (see Obama’s unbroken anti-gun-rights voting record at the end of this report). It would mimic the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in some respects, with stunning power in a loosely controlled agency’s hands.
Massive funding would be poured into the new agency to study crime, firearms injury and deaths, and “public health problems due to firearms,” with no mention of self defense, crime prevention, legal justifications or lives saved. Hemenway draws analogies about air bags and seat belts for proposed requirements on firearms “for safety.” The agency, he says, should have a broad “mission to reduce the harm caused by firearms” while ignoring the good that guns do.
Hemenway says, “The agency should require safety and crime-fighting characteristics on all firearms manufactured and sold in the U.S. It should ban from regular civilian use products which are not needed for hunting or protection and which only endanger the public. It should have the power to ensure that there are background checks for all firearm transfers to help prevent guns from being sold to criminals and terrorists.
“The agency needs the resources and the power (including standard setting, recall, and research capability) for making reasonable decisions about firearms... Similarly, each specific rule regulating the manufacture and sale of firearms should go through a more scientific administrative process rather than the more political legislative process. It’s time to take some of the politics out of firearm safety.”
The cleverly crafted plan would move the constitutional right to keep and bear arms out of the legislative process and representation of your elected officials, where your voice can be heard, and into the hands of bureaucrats and agenda-driven insiders immune to your desires or fundamental rights. http://tinyurl.com/5fn62u.
The Democrat party, frustrated in its constant failed attempts to eradicated your rights, once again is handed a deceit-driven scheme for accomplishing their nefarious, freedom-defeating goal.
Off the radar but still on the drawing boards, Dennis Kucinich’s proposed U.S. Dept. of Peace would likely get new life under Obama too, along with a $10 billion budget, hundreds of permanent new federal bureaucrats, and control over everything from animal “rights” to women’s issues and firearms, along with sinister influence over the U.S. military. https://www.gunlaws.com/PageNine-27.htm
2- Party Gun Platforms
The lamestream media told you:
Very little about the candidates position on RKBA, besides exclaiming that Sarah Palin is a moose hunter.
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
The Democratic National Committee official party platform on its position on gun control is not far from Obama’s: "We believe that the right to own firearms is subject to reasonable regulation, but we know that what works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne. We can work together to enact and enforce common sense laws and improvements -- like closing the gun show loophole, improving our background check system, and reinstating the assault weapons ban ..." http://www.demconvention.com/the-democratic-platform/
The Republican National Committee party platform position on gun control is different world, here’s a piece: "Gun ownership is responsible citizenship... We condemn frivolous lawsuits against firearms manufacturers, which are transparent attempts to deprive citizens of their rights. We oppose federal licensing of law-abiding gun owners and national gun registration as violations of the Second Amendment. We recognize that gun control only affects and penalizes law-abiding citizens, and that such proposals are ineffective at reducing violent crime." http://www.gop.com/2008Platform/Values.htm
In other news, pro-gun Democrats must have a conflict between their stance on human rights, and the Dem party rules for Town Halls, where “Submissions must not... (iii) contain profanity, pornographic, or sexual content, content promoting alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco, firearms, or weapons, hateful content of any kind (including racism, sexism, etc.), content that promotes violence or harm to another living creature, or any other offensive, obscene, or inappropriate content; http://www.demconvention.com/townhall-rules
3- Dangerous BATFE Changes
The lamestream media told you:
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
BATFE has announce a plan to allow licensed firearms dealers to maintain their required “bound book” record of all gun sales electronically (in computers). On one hand, this is a relief from the stone-age approach of handwritten records dealers are burdened with by law, will save time, and reduce the likelihood of errors, a frequent government excuse for attacking gun dealers. On the other hand, the potential for gathering the now-computerized data into centralized federal registries of gun owners is a potentially catastrophic abuse of gun rights, and a goal feds have been seeking unsuccessfully for decades.
Although some industry leaders are praising the development, alert gun-rights activists are not so sure. The software approved for an electronic “Acquisitions and Dispositions” book must satisfy “certain ATF requirements set forth in the ruling signed by Acting Director Michael Sullivan,” according to NSSF, which said in a statement, “NSSF would like to congratulate ATF, and in particular the leadership of Acting Director Sullivan, on helping to reduce the paperwork burden on industry.” The true contents of software programs cannot be discerned by average computer users.
The stated requirements in the program include the ability to search, and out-of-business records will fall into the hands of BATFE as they do now. Dealers have in the past been able to request electronic record keeping, now it will be simply available. http://tinyurl.com/492llo
At the urging of industry leaders, BATFE plans to launch an “E-Form 4473,” heightening activists’ fears, and presumably easing the collection of data by the feds. No word on safeguards or concerns over the potentials for abuse has been made by any of the usual suspects. Gun Owners of America has informed the Uninvited Ombudsman they are looking into the matter.
4- Miller’s Gun Ban
The lamestream media told you:
Dennis Miller, speaking on FOX, thinks he’s pro-gun, and that everyone should be able to get a gun permit, but it should be as hard to qualify for as a pilot’s license.
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
Of all the elitist claptrap I have to put up with in preparing these reports, this just beats all. The testing for a pilot’s license is extreme. The idea that exercising your rights should require an extreme test or else you forfeit your rights is bizarre, and Mr. Miller just babbles on thinking he’s bright. Note that CCW permit holders, many of whom must endure a lightweight test before they can exercise their rights, are five times below the national average for committing crimes.
5- Palin Gets Booked
The lamestream media told you:
A new biography on Sarah Palin is now available and here’s the book’s author, with some softball questions aimed at her. FOX TV.
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
How did anyone get a book out on Sarah within two weeks of her appearance as a VP candidate? Being in the book publishing business, that’s, well, impossible.
The book by Kaylene Johnson actually came out in April, by a small press in Washington state (Epicenter) that specializes in books about Alaska. The 7K run of the hardback was called, “Sarah: How a Small Town Girl Turned Alaska's Political Establishment on Its Ear.”
After the announcement, the book went through a facelift and was rushed out over the Labor Day weekend by a print-on-demand outfit (Lightning Source) that paid workers overtime to work the holiday weekend, and “Sarah: How a Hockey Mom Turned Alaska's Political Establishment Upside Down” was now a 40K-unit paperback available nationally. Tyndale House took over distribution and put 250K copies into print. That’s how. Thanks to the Southern Review of Books for the details. Other Palin books are reportedly in the pipeline.
My latest book, “The Heller Case: Gun Rights Affirmed!” is due off press this week and has attracted no attention from lamestream media, though large advanced orders have been placed by most major gun-rights groups in the nation, and is still available at a pre-press discount. https://www.gunlaws.com/hc.htm
6- Heller Citings Growing
The lamestream media told you:
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
Lawsuits and court cases post-Heller have been piling up. UCLA prof. Eugene Volokh has been keeping track, and tabulating the results. I’ll post a review of the cases soon. An initial glance doesn’t look good -- as predicted, bad guys are using Heller to try to skate, and courts are finding that Heller allows them to go to prison, with accompanying language that doesn’t hold rights in very high esteem (even though bad guys do deserve punishment). http://volokh.com/posts/chain_1215395769.shtml
7- Heller’s Suit Expensive
The lamestream media told you:
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
The District of Columbia is being sued for $3.5 million in legal fees, the cost of bringing the successful Heller gun-ban case against the city, to restore people’s civil rights. Taxpayers may have to foot the bill for the city’s arrogant denial of rights to its... taxpayers.
"Certainly this money would be put to better use if it were allocated to proven crime-reduction measures like adding more police officers and prosecutors,” said National Shooting Sports Foundation senior vice president and general counsel Lawrence G. Keane. The city apparently would prefer to squander its limited funds -- forcing Dick Heller to sue them again -- to get them to obey the Supreme Court’s ruling. The hubris of these people is just over the top.
8- Jury Rights Day
The lamestream media told you:
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
A fully informed jury is a bedrock principle of American freedom. Simply put, a jury of your neighbors (“peers”) has the power to decide the facts in a case if you’re charged, and the righteousness of the law you’re charged under. If legislatures pass laws that are unfair, your neighbors (those pesky peers again) can let you go, even if you’re guilty under the facts. It’s an ideal check on the system -- prosecutors stop bringing bad cases, and legislatures stop the bad laws. It’s elegant, ingenious, a beautiful thing.
This played out swell in failed attempts to convict people helping slaves escape pre-civil war (deemed a crime), or catching grandmas with wine in the bathtub (during prohibition). The roots are in the trials of William Penn (Sep. 5, 1670) and John Peter Zenger (1735). The court told the juries to convict, and they refused (and were imprisoned for their audacity!). What good is a jury if it can’t make up its own mind?
Today, judges are determined to keep juries in the dark, won’t reveal excessive punishments awaiting minor offenses, give out checklists requiring convictions, and call fully informed jury actions “jury nullification,” a derogatory term meant to keep power away from juries and in judges’ hands. It’s a horrific abuse of power.
To combat this, three states have declared Jury Rights Day on Sep. 5th, to let the public know they, not the court, can decide the fate of a person charged, as it should be. The most recent declaration came from the great state of Alaska under... Governor Sarah Palin. Last year, in 2007.
Do note however that if you are in a juror pool and talk up fully informed juries, they won’t let you sit on a panel. I did mention it’s a horrific abuse of power, right?
9- Chicago War Deaths
The lamestream media told you:
“CHICAGO (CBS) — 125 Shot Dead In Chicago Over Summer; Total Is About Double The U.S. Troop Death Toll In Iraq
“An estimated 125 people were shot and killed over the summer. That's nearly double the number of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq over the same time period.
“In May, cbs2chicago.com began tracking city shootings and posting them on Google maps. Information compiled from our reporters, wire service reports and the Chicago Police Major Incidents log indicated that 125 people were shot and killed throughout the city between the start of Memorial Day weekend on May 26, and the end of Labor Day on Sept. 1.
According to the Defense Department, 65 U.S. soldiers were killed in combat in Iraq. About the same number were killed in Afghanistan over that same period.
In the same time period, an estimated 247 people were shot and wounded in the city.”
You can see the maps yourself: http://tinyurl.com/5ep4xe
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
In a story almost without precedent, CBS identified Chicago’s high murder rate as almost totally gang related and geographically isolated. In modern America, that would mean these are war deaths in the War on Some Drugs, and not “gun deaths” as the media likes to frame the argument, to vilify firearms and create public fear.
With surprising candor, CBS announced, “Gang and gun violence continue to be the dominating threat on our streets," according to a police e-mail to CBS. "Up to 60 percent of the shootings are gang related. More than 90 percent of the offenders have criminal histories and up to 80 percent of the victims have criminal histories."
It’s unclear how the police concluded that only 60% of these crimes are gang related, when 90% of the shooters have criminal records and 80% of the victims do too. It’s also a fairly typical police distortion to suggest gun violence is the dominant threat “on our streets” when these gangland rubouts happen “on their streets,” and normal citizens generally only get to see it on the news from the “bad” neighborhoods. Look at the maps. Comparing Chicago’s rubout rate to the wars against Islamofascists is just bad reporting, from the town that has virtually banned guns (unlike Iraq and Afghanistan) and spawned Barack Obama.
10- Muslims Get Booted
The lamestream media told you:
A meat packing plant in Nebraska has fired at least 86 Muslim workers for walking off the job to conduct prayers during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Mohamed Rage, a spokesperson for the Muslims and one of the people fired, says 150 were fired. A spokesman for the plant says the company, Swift, told the workers that if they walked off they would be fired, a fact the Muslims dispute. The plant employs 2,500 people, with about 20% of them Muslims, many immigrants from war-torn impoverished Somalia.
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
Showing spine that hasn’t been seen in some places in years, a meat-packing plant in Nebraska refused to cave in to Muslim segregationist demands, and fired scores of religious followers insisting on special treatment for a month that would disrupt orderly business practices. In other parts of the country, virtual quislings have caved into Muslim demands, for example providing segregated swimming times (Harvard) and public foot baths for Muslims (just Google it), in what numerous observers see as a carefully orchestrated attack on American values, using American values to advance Muslim causes, Muslim culture and Sharia law.
Murdock v. Pennsylvania, 319 U.S. 105 1943 (U.S. Supreme Court):
"A state may not impose a charge for the enjoyment of a right granted by the Federal Constitution... A person cannot be compelled 'to purchase, through a license fee or a license tax, the privilege freely granted by the Constitution.'"
"This does not apply to the Second Amendment," said LawyerMan, because it has been "distinguished." That means courts have decided the words only apply in some special context. "I vote for the words meaning what they mean," said LaymanMan. No public rioting has been reported yet.
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Thanks for reading!
Alan Korwin
The Uninvited Ombudsman
Alan Korwin
Bloomfield Press
"We publish the gun laws."
4848 E. Cactus, #505-440
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
602-996-4020 Phone
602-494-0679 Fax
1-800-707-4020 Orders https://www.gunlaws.com alan@gunlaws.com
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If you can read this, thank a teacher.
If you're reading this in English, thank a veteran.
"No one could make a greater mistake
than he who did nothing because
he could do only a little."
--Edmund Burke
Comments help keep me going. Alan.
If you're like some folks who ask if they can link to or forward my stuff, the answer is YES, and I'm honored by such interest. You can use the PageNine logo or any art from my site, with my thanks and appreciation. https://www.gunlaws.com/PageNineIndex.htm https://www.gunlaws.com
Although I heard a commentator (perhaps on FOX, don’t recall) gloat that Palin was writing her own acceptance speech, and I mentioned this in P9 52, Gwen H. writes to say Time says the speech was penned for her. The Time article is largely conjectural, cites no sources, did not interview Palin or the supposed ghost writer, and the links provided are to vituperative Time stories. Who’s right? http://tinyurl.com/6rxuvj
Hi Alan,
When I was in political science Graduate School at FSU, I was the bane of the department... When everybody in class pulled out their ACLU membership cards, to sympathize with then candidate Michael Dukakis, as a "card carrying member of the ACLU", I pulled out my "NRA" card to antagonize them. Twenty years later I'm public defender in (Withheld) County, and my politics haven't changed one iota. What's wrong with this picture? Keep telling truth as long as they let you. David.
One further word on your item #10, especially in light of your efforts on behalf of 'accurate' language: A given State may term it a 'license' or 'permit', however either term merely grants an air of legitimacy to 'government permission slip issued upon the citizen begging to exercise a theoretical 'right' and bribing an agency of government for the privilege'. --Duke S.
Good piece. I believe white men hold all the swimming records. I can't remember ever seeing a black Olympic-caliber swimmer; but I do remember Valeri Borzov. --Jerry C. [Swimming, volleyball and basketball have cultural components. I suspect if blacks had as much access to pools as they do to basketball courts, Mike Phelps would have less medals. The same is not true of running and other pursuits. --Alan.]
Hi Alan - I love Page Nine. Great stuff! Keep up the good fight. DLC
Good blog...Short, concise, and bang on the money.
The Democratic Party is a missnomer. It should be the SPA (Socialist Party of America). Their paltform is actually punative taxes and social giveaway programs, wealth redistribution designed to destroy freedom. People who vote Democrat are voting against their own interests and freedom, and they are not even smart enough to understand what they are doing to themselves and the rest of us. --Johnstake.
"The inherent blessing of Socialism is the equal sharing of misery." Winston Churchill. --MS15
Since I work for a radio station, even though I don't do news, per se, I do regularly collect news and/or information to disseminate to the public, therefore, I appear to be covered as a journalist as you described in P9 #50. This, however would all be worthless if it is discovered that I actually own guns and feel that the liberal government is taking away rights from the people (who actually ARE the government!) If that were discovered, by someone listening on occasion when I'm on the air, then I would probably be designated a "terrorist" (especially when it's discovered that I am going for a concealed carry permit so I can have my Bersa Thunder 9 compact within easy reach while I work alone at night at a radio station)! Then, of course, all bets are off... Keep up the great work! It's often the highlight of my work day (Night) to read what you print!! Keep terrorizing me! [an indirect reference to the law that says terrorist are not journalists. -Alan]. Name Withheld for Job Security.
Do you know why there isn’t a federal civil suit against the Wash D.C. government for violation of one’s Constitutional Rights, and also a charge against specific D.C. government officials – including those denying his permit – with a Federal Attorney who can bring criminal charges? [Becuase you, Phil, didn't stand up and bring the case. -Alan] If just one of these elected officials were found guilty and put in jail it would send a message to all the rest of the corrupt officials denying citizens rights. [Couldn’t agree more: Get some lawyers and start filing. But, you'll probably say, like all others, it's not my yob. Make it your yob, gain fame, fortune, prestige, and put the suckers in the slammer. -Alan.]
Mr. Korwin, always riveting analysis and captivating prose. Your public is indebted. --P.J.
Great page 9 as usual. This is a great service to America. I'm so glad you attacked the deplorable article about al-Qaida being "unbowed." That article is just plain treasonous. --Garrett H.
I really appreciate and look forward to each issue I receive. I fully support your efforts and savor your tone when taking on the regular media, who often goes publicy unchallenged over their inane drivel. Thanks for such a great perspective in your writings. --Charles S.
From Barack Obama:
Dear Friend, Thank you for contacting me about gun laws and the Second Amendment. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue. Americans broadly agree that guns must be kept from those who may pose a threat, and that the rights of legitimate hunters and sportsmen should be protected. We must work to ensure that guns do not fall into the hands of criminals or the mentally ill through an effective background check system. We also have to strike a reasonable balance between public safety and sportsmen's rights. I will continue to work for effective gun laws, including reinstatement of the assault weapons ban that the last Congress allowed to expire, and effective law enforcement. I will also speak out against the culture of violence that traps so many of our young people. Thank you again for contacting me on this important issue. Sincerely, Barack Obama
Paid for by Obama for America
Alan Korwin
Bloomfield Press
"We publish the gun laws."
4848 E. Cactus, #505-440
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
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