Subject: FACT ALERT - gun-free zone; liability bill
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 20:48:45 -0700
From: "Kenneth Rineer" <>
To: "AZRKBA" <>Firearms Action Committee
of Tucson
P.O. Box 27321
Tucson, Arizona 85726
January 23, 2002
Gun-free zone; liability bill.
HB 2456 -- Is it Dead on Arrival?
Only YOU can make the difference.
HB 2456 was first read and assigned to committee today. This is
the good news.
The bad news is that the bill was assigned to both the House Retirement
& Government Operations Committee and the House Judiciary Committee.
Why do I say the bill is D.O.A.?
The House Judiciary Committee members are:
Roberta Voss, Chairman
Stephen Tully, Vice-Chairman
Jim Sedillo
Gary Pierce
John Nelson
Pete Hershberger
Kathi Foster
Henry Camarot
Bill (I'm a gun owning NRA member but hate rkba) Brotherton
Linda Binder
So far, it appears HB 2456 is more controversial than HB 2454 (the
decriminalization of concealed carry (D.C.C.) bill).
Last year the D.C.C. bill was HB 2562. The vote on House Third Read
was a very close one and it barely made it out.
Here is how the members of this committee voted on that bill last
Voss: N
Tully: Y (Actually, he bailed us out. If it weren't for him, the
bill would have failed.)
Sedillo: N
Pierce (Was not in the House last year)
Nelson: Y
Hershberger: N
Foster: N
Camerot: N
Brotherton: N
Binder: N
That is 2 Yeas and 7 Nos!
What can you do?
1. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU TAKE ACTION! We must show the members
of the Arizona Legislature that we are out here, we are watching
and we have strength in numbers!
2. You can email Speaker Weiers and ask him to reassign HB 2456.
Ask him to reassign it to only RGO and remove its assignment to
the anti-gun Judiciary Committee.
BE POLITE!!!!!!!!
Last year Sen. Richardson made the claim she was threatened by a
pro-rkba activists and would not schedule the D.C.C. bill for a
hearing in her Senate Judiciary Committee.
Speaker Weiers email address:
Or call: 1-800-352-8404
If you're in the Phoenix Metro area, call: 602-542-4639
Dear Speaker Weiers:
The Firearms Action Committee of Tucson has brought to my attention
a grave error. It appears HB 2456, the gun-free zone; liability
bill, has been assigned to both the House Judiciary and House RGO
If HB 2456 has even the slightest chance of making out of the House,
it MUST be reassigned to the House RGO committee only.
Please correct this oversight as soon as possible.