Tax protest on the Arizona Capital lawn on 4/15 from 5:30 to 7 PM
Tax protest on the Arizona Capital lawn on 4/15 from 5:30 to 7 PM
Freedom lovers from across party lines will assemble en masse to protest outrageous tax increases, on tax day -- Wed. April 15, at the Arizona state capital, from 5:30 to 7 PM. (Prior notice of Noon start time was an ERROR.) Don't let government take so much of your money, especially for unauthorized spending, giveaways and pure waste. Download protest signs or make your own! Protests are happening nationwide -- but the media is keeping it quiet -- so far -- shake things up by showing up!
It's going to be a tremendous rally, fun!, be there, get your face on TV, stand shoulder-to-shoulder with your peers, make your voice heard, let politicians witness your angst. Get nationwide details from Americans for Prosperity or locally from your Arizona Federation of Taxpayers Don't forget to send a tea bag to the president before April 15 (1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Wash., D.C., 20500).
LATE BREAKING ADDITIONS: I'm told Gilbert has one at Town Hall at noon, Flagstaff has one at City Hall, 3:30 to 6; Sedona has one, time unknown; Tucson has one at El Presidio Park; must be more, scout around, or look here:
NEW: Who's Killing the American Dream?
NEW: Who's Killing the American Dream?
Institute for Justice Senior Attorney Clark Neily, key player in The Heller Case (the D.C. gun ban at the Supreme Court) faces two ASU professors, with Moderator U.S. District Judge Neil Wake.
Tuesday, April 21st, 5 p.m., welcome reception in the Rotunda with "heavy appetizers" and beverages followed by panel discussion beginning at 6pm in the Great Hall, located in Armstrong Hall at ASU's Sandra Day O'Connor School of Law. Directions No charge for the event.
Panelists will explore this position statement: America has gone from being the most innovative, entrepreneurial, and prosperous country in the world to a place where government bureaucrats micro-manage vast areas of the national economy and dictate who may pursue even harmless occupations like flower arranging. Much of the blame lies with the courts, which decided 70 years ago to essentially abandon the concepts of limited government and economic liberty. The Fourteenth Amendment was understood by those who drafted and ratified it as a deliberate attempt to curtail those policies by underscoring the existence of judicially enforceable rights -- including particularly the right of occupational freedom -- against state and local governments.
RSVPs and information: Kasey Higgins, 480-557-8300
The House is looking over bills, but the Senate is not -- they're holding everything as "ransom" to get senators on board with the difficult Napolitano deficit they have to resolve. When that's fixed, piles of bills will be handled quickly. If you want to help get the good gun bills passed, you'll need to be on the alert list, so contact the Arizona Citizens Defense League at
These bills are hanging in the balance: removing the ban on Restaurant Carry for CCW; protection for Defensive Display of a Firearm; protection for Parking Lot Storage for employees; and perhaps most important, Constitutional Carry, also known as Alaska Carry and Vermont Carry, where the right to keep and bear, openly or discreetly, is not infringed.
Patriots Day in Prescott -- I'll Be There
Patriots Day in Prescott -- I'll Be There
April 19, the day a Minuteman fired The Shot Heard 'Round The World, when liberty was born at Concord Bridge in 1775... A major celebration is planned in Prescott, Arizona, starting at 11 a.m., on the historic courthouse steps in the town square, until 4 p.m. It's a Sunday this year. Organized by the Committee for Safety, an entity resurrected directly from Colonial Days. Details here:
The American Gunshop's Charly Gullett kicks it off, with speechifying from Secretary of State Ken Bennett, Dr. Terry Lovell, music by the Sweet Adelines, Trusting Heart, and I'll be doing a talk on why liberty is so important and how it created the most abundant nation the world has ever seen by far. "The government works for us; not the other way around," says COS Chair Gregg Arthur. Join me and Jane Anne Shimizu (Gunsite's Marketing Director) for her husband's CD release party the night before at The Raven, 142 N. Cortez St., 8 p.m.
Crossroads of the West Gun Show - The BIG One - April 25-26, Phoenix
Crossroads of the West Gun Show - The BIG One - April 25-26, Phoenix
The biggest gun show in the state, if you've never been to one now's the time -- get there early for ammo, every kind of firearm and accessory, kids toys and junque you won't find anywhere else, political discussions, literature, t-shirts you can only get at gun shows. I'll be there to autograph books and answer questions. This is liberty on a platter -- free markets running full bore -- from kids in carriages to old geezers with oxygen tanks, neighbors and businesses with tables taking cash, swapping stories, selling their wares.
Leftists want to end this -- don't miss it -- pure capitalism at its best. You can join NRA or AZCDL or other groups while you're there, and support your right to keep and bear arms. Doors open at 9 a.m. Sat. (until 5 p.m.) and Sun. (until 4), at the Phoenix Fairgrounds, NE cor. 19th Ave. and McDowell.
Guns at the NRA Convention, May 15-17
Guns at the NRA Convention, May 15-17
I just got word from a highly placed reliable authority that officials will comply with Arizona law and firearm possession will not be banned at the NRA Convention in Phoenix, May 15-17.
Though the city technically could insist under existing law that people check their firearms as they enter the Convention Center, the idea of managing 60,000 people that way tipped the scales. There are not enough lockers, and cooler heads realized the logistics were unworkable.
The liquor-license issue remained a stumbling block, since carry is currently banned in establishments licensed to serve alcohol. The NRA Show however has no alcohol service during the main events, so the only places where that will be an issue is during the Annual Banquet and several planned cocktail parties. Checking facilities will be provided and staffed there by NRA instructors working cooperatively with Phoenix PD. There is even a contingency for overnight storage in case an attendee becomes intoxicated.
If the restaurant-carry bill were to pass before the convention, even that limitation on your civil rights might be lifted. This is unlikely however, due to the legislative calendar, but it points out the importance of being on the email alert lists, so you can add your voice when that bill and other key RKBA bills come up for votes soon. Join the local NRA at and the state AZCDL at They offer free alerts, and you help preserve your rights by signing up. Do it. Join my free eblast list for more news like this at
Our own Tucson-based NRA director Todd Rathner brokered the complex arrangement, working with at least seven state and local agencies. Way to go Todd.
P.S. There is something you could do to help in the struggle for our rights:
Gather all the emails you can from your local news outlets -- newspapers, magazines, radio and TV -- and start a press list. If you're really ambitious, scour the web for more, there's plenty out there, every drop helps, and use it once in a while. If you'd like to help me in this work, send me a copy of the emails too, and I'll put them to good use. Thanks.
In the meanwhile, -- if you want to help make a difference,
take a look at my page on Tactics That Work:
To see prior issues of my media watchblog, Page Nine:
For researched info on News Media Bias:
See my latest papers, news, Updates and more:
To find a law anywhere in the country,
use our widely acclaimed National Directory:
You can check out our growing line of Specialty Books
and DVDs for gun owners and supporters of freedom:
And finally, for logical, common-sense, reasonable
positions on gun issues, try my Position Papers:
Get a copy of The Arizona Gun Owner's Guide already:
If your local gun shop is out of stock, call me.
Alan Korwin
Bloomfield Press
"We publish the gun laws."
4848 E. Cactus, #505-440
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
602-996-4020 Phone
602-494-0679 Fax
1-800-707-4020 Orders
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(This is our address and info as of Jan. 1, 2007)
"One man with courage is a majority."
--Thomas Jefferson
"No one could make a greater mistake than he who did nothing
because he could do only a little."
--Edmund Burke
Alan Korwin
"We publish the gun laws."
12621 N. Tatum, Suite 440
Phoenix, AZ 85032
602-996-4020 Phone
602-494-0679 FAX
1-800-707-4020 Orders
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