KEY: Bill Number • 2015 Legislative Chapter Number • Statute Affected • Page Number
HB2396 • CH122 • §17-362 • P131, 226. The law that says hunting guides may only carry revolvers or pistols is repealed. This infringement was put in place to prevent guides from hunting without a license, or acting as surrogates for their clients who couldn’t hit their targets. The laws against illegally taking game are sufficient, and infringing the right to keep and bear arms, an obnoxious imposition on innocent citizens, has finally been lifted.
HB2399 • §17-340 • CH215 • P132, 226. Adds §17-316 to §17-340, harassing hunters, as grounds for suspending or revoking a hunting license (and change which to that in two spots). 17-340. Revocation, suspension and denial of privilege of taking wildlife; notice; violation; classification (not previously included in AGOG, adds 97 words to the state total.)
A. On conviction or after adjudication as a delinquent juvenile as defined in §8-201 and in addition to other penalties prescribed by this title, the commission, after a public hearing, may revoke or suspend a license issued to any person under this title and deny the person the right to secure another license to take or possess wildlife for a period of not to exceed five years for:
2. Careless use of firearms which has resulted in the injury or death of any person.
6. A violation of §17-303, 17-304, 17-316 or 17-341 or §17-362, subsection A.
HB2407 • CH285 • Title 19 • NA. Not a gun law per se, this requires strict compliance with statutory and constitutional provision in all ballot-measure processes, as a safeguard against procedural irregularities that may be possible in the anticipated actions by Michael Bloomberg when he introduces his anti-gun-rights initiatives for the 2016 elections. Language is tightened throughout Title 19 requiring strict compliance, providing clear redress and eliminating wiggle room.
HB2527 • CH126 • §13-3118 • P41, P219. Amends the preemption statute by adding “transfer” to the list of firearm activities only the state legislature is authorized to control, to prevent local authorities from taking any steps in that regard. This is important because former NY mayor Bloomberg has interfered with the transfer of firearms in other states through his out-of-state political action, and has announced similar plans for Arizona because, as he has stated, he has been thwarted from such activity at the federal level.
SB1189 • CH228 • §13-907 • P53, 201. If a person’s judgment of guilt is set aside under proper conditions, “the person’s right to possess a gun or firearm is restored.” This does not apply if the person was convicted of a serious offense as defined under §13-706 (lengthy list of serious felonies), and with certain time restrictions of up to 10 years under §§13-905 and 13-906. Other conditions apply, determined by the court and the nature of the offense. Although this is a step in the right direction of civil-rights restoration, the language used here is sloppy, because “gun” is not defined in Arizona law, the use of “or” adds confusion, and the singular terms imply a very limited restoration of rights.
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